File Transfer using Globus

Introduction to Globus

Many CAC resources are on Globus for high speed file transfers. Globus uses multiple parallel TCP streams to achieve high throughput. Globus also monitors file transfers and automatically retries when errors are encountered. It provides a fast and reliable method for transferring research data to and from CAC.

Log into Globus

When logging into Globus,

  1. Cornell users should select Cornell University under Use your existing organizational login, or
  2. Weill Cornell Medicine users should select Weill Cornell Medical College,

Globus Login diagram

and then click on the Continue button. You will get forwarded to the CUWebLogin (Cornell users) or WCM Web Login (Weill Cornell users) page. Login using your NetID or CWID and password.

First-Time Use

  1. Log into Globus
  2. If you need to transfer files to and from your local laptop or desktop, download and install Globus Connect Personal on your host.
  3. To use Globus web interface, log into your Globus account and start transfer files.
  4. To use Globus command line interface (CLI) or script your file transfers, read the Command Line Interface documentation for more information.

Additional Documentation

More Globus documentation can be found at

CAC Globus Collections

The following CAC resources are on Globus via these collections:

Collection CAC Resource
cac#home CAC home directories
CAC Archive 2/DTN CAC Archival Storage
CAC Amazon S3 Connector CAC Amazon S3 Globus Connector
Altas Cluster ALTAS Cluster
cac#cayuga Cayuga Cluster
cac#HeritageWatch HeritageWatch
Hopper Cluster Hopper Cluster
cac#marvin MARVIN Cluster
cac#marx1 Marx1 Cluster
Pool Cluster icsefs01 File Server Pool Cluster icsefs01 File Server
Pool Cluster icsefs02 File Server Pool Cluster icsefs02 File Server
Red Cloud Object Storage Red Cloud Object Storage. See additional setup information.