Migrate an Existing Project from Red Cloud
To migrate your Red Cloud project to Red Cloud v.2, use the following procedures to migrate each instance and volume.
Confirm Red Cloud v.2 Access
Make sure you have access to your project in Red Cloud v.2:
- Follow the procedures in the Existing CAC Users section of the Red Cloud v.2 page to register Globus sub.
- Confirm access by logging into Red Cloud v.2 web console.
Migrate Volumes
To migrate a volume from Red Cloud to Red Cloud v.2, use an Ubuntu Linux instance in each cloud to connect to the source or destination volume. Then use the dd
command to copy the volume over an ssh connection.
In Red Cloud v.2:
Attach the new volume to a (destination) Linux instance.
Log into the destination instance, note the device name of the new volume, e.g.
In Red Cloud:
If the volume you want to migrate is not already attached, attach it to a (source) Linux instance.
If the volume is attached to a (source) Linux instance, make sure all the file systems hosted on that volume are unmounted so cached data are flushed back to disk.
From the source instance, note the device name of the volume to be migrated, e.g.
From the source instance, copy the source volume to the new volume attached to the destination instance in Red Cloud v.2 like this:
sudo dd if=<source volume> bs=1M status=progress | ssh -i <private key to access the destination> <user>@<destination instance IP in Red Cloud v.2> " sudo dd of=<destination volume> bs=1M"
The <private key to access the destination>
is the private key of the key pair used to launch the destination instance. If you have enabled password authentication on the destination instance, instead, enter the password for the user on the destination instance when prompted.
When data transfer is completed,
Detach the new volume from the destination instance in Red Cloud v.2.
Delete the destination instance if it's no longer needed.
After confirming the volume has been successfully migrated, clean up your Red Cloud project by deleting:
- the source instance, and
- the volume that was migrated to Red Cloud v.2.
Migrate Instances
Consider Before Migrating
If your instance has an older operating system (CentOS, Windows 2019, etc.), instead of migrating the instance, it might be worth considering creating an instance from scratch with a newer operating system. Older operating systems are more vulnerable to security risks and prone to compatibility issues with latest software versions. If software installation is not too difficult and the instance does not have a lot of data, it can be easier to re-create the instance by hand on Red Cloud 2. Otherwise, you can migrate the instance using the steps below.
Migrate an instance from Red Cloud to Red Cloud v.2 by migrating its boot volume and recreate the instance in Red Cloud v.2 using the migrated volume:
In Red Cloud,
Shelve the instance to be migrated.
Take a snapshot of the instance's boot volume.
Make a copy of the boot volume by creating a new volume from the snapshot.
Migrate this boot volume copy to Red Cloud v.2 by following the instructions in the Migrate Volumes section.
After the boot volume has been migrated to Red Cloud v.2, in Red Cloud v.2,
If needed, create a security group for the migrated instance.
Skip this step if you plan to create your new instance in Red Cloud v.2 on the public network. Otherwise, create a private network, router, and allocate a floating IP for the new instance.
Launch a new instance using the volume migrated from Red Cloud by specifying the migrated volume under the Source tab. If you do not see "Launch as Instance" in the dropdown, choose "Edit Volume" and check the Bootable option.
If the migrated instance is on a private network, associate the floating IP to the migrated instance.
After confirming the migrated instance is working correctly, clean up your project in Red Cloud by deleting, in this order:
- the shelved instance that was migrated,
- the copy of the boot volume,
- the snapshot of the boot volume, and
- the boot volume itself.
Need Help?
Migrating Linux Instances from Red Cloud to Red Cloud v.2
Migrating Windows Instances from Red Cloud to Red Cloud v.2
Important : Please read Security Group Rules for Windows before migrating.
Contact Us
If you have questions or need assistance, go to CAC Help or email help@cac.cornell.edu.