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Jodie Sprouse
Systems Consultant

Jodie Sprouse

Jodie joined the CAC in May 2008 as a systems consultant. She has expertise in Linux Systems Administration, Linux Clusters, Cluster Job Schedulers and Resource Managers. Prior to Prior to 2008 she worked as a systems programmer in the Computer Science department. Jodie has many years experience as a network analyst, systems administrator and project manager for leading edge research and technology corporations.

Send email or phone 607.254.8366.

Areas of Research or Expertise

  • HPC Clusters
  • Linux Systems
  • Cluster Job Schedulers and Resource Managers (SLURM)
  • Web and Database services on Linux


  • OHPC cluster management
  • Private clusters including: Atlas2, CapeCrystal, Pool, Marvin, Tardis, Astra, Vega

Memberships/Professional Affiliations

Dell Certifed Technician

Selected Publications

Coulter, E., Sprouse, J., Reynolds, R. and Knepper, R. Extending XSEDE Innovations to Campus Cyberinfrastructure: The XSEDE National Integration Toolkit. Journal of Computational Science Education,. 2019.
Coulter, J.E., Knepper, R., Reynolds, R., Sprouse, J. and Bird, S. Beyond Campus Bridging: A Retrospective of Cyberinfrastructure Integration Efforts. PEARC'19: Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing. 2019.