Horizon Web Console: Images

Under the Project and Compute tabs, use the Images screen to manage the images in your project.

List Available Images

The Images screen lists all the images available to your project. You can launch an instance directly from this screen by clicking on the Launch button next to the image you want to use.

List Images

Upload an Image

You can upload an image from your computer:

  1. Click on the Create Image button: Click on Create Image button

  2. On the next screen, enter in the following fields:

    • Image Name: Name the new image.
    • Image Source: Select the image file on your computer to be uploaded.
    • Format: Select Raw.
    • You can also set the other image attributes. Upload Image
  3. Click the Create Image button. Depending on the size of the image and your network speed, it will take a few minutes for the image upload to completed.

Create an Image from Volume

  1. Select the volume from which the new images will be created.

  2. Click on the pull down menu in the upper right corner and select Upload to Image.

  3. On the Upload Volume to Image Screen, enter the name of the new image and select Raw for disk format.

  4. Click on the Upload button to create the new image.

Edit Image Attributes

  1. On the Images screen, click on the pull down menu next to the image.

  2. Change the image attributes.

  3. Click on the Update Image button to save the changes.

Delete an Image

On the Images screen, click on the pull down menu next to the image to be deleted and select Delete Image.