Horizon Web Console: Networks

Networking in Red Cloud is managed under the Projects and Network tabs.

List Networks

The Networks screen under the Network tab lists all networks accessible by your project:

  1. The public network is connected to the public Internet. You can create instances directly on the public network if you wish.

  2. The remaining networks are private networks created by a user in your project, or private networks that another project shared with you.

Create a Private Network

  1. Click on the Create Network in the upper right corner of the Networks screen.

  2. Under the Network tab of the next screen, enter the name of the network to be created. Leave both Enable Admin State and Create Subnet options checked, and click on the Next button.

  3. Under the Subnet tab,

    • Subnet Name: We suggest you use the same name as the network name from the previous step.
    • Network Address Souce: Select Allocate Network Address from a pool to configure the new subnet with preset configurations.
    • Address Pool: Select default-pool.
    • Network Mask: The default value 25 should give you 127 IP addresses.
    • IP Version: IPv4.
    • Gateway IP: Leave blank.

    Click on the Next button to continue.

  4. Under the Subnet Details tab, leave all these optional parameters blank and click on the Create button to create the private network. Settings from the default-pool address pool will be used.

  5. After the new network is created, it should be listed on the Networks screen.

  6. Follow the instructions for creating a router to create a new router. We recommend naming the router after the newly created network.

  7. Connect the router to the newly created network so it can route network traffic between the private networ and the public Internet.

Delete a Network


All instances and routers on the network must be removed before it can be deleted.

Click on the pull down menu next to the network to be deleted and select Delete Network.

List Routers

The Routers screen under the Project and Network tabs lists existing routers in your project.

Create a Router

To create a new router:

  1. Click on the Create Router button on the upper right corner of the Routers screen.

  2. On the Create Router screen,

    • Router Name: Name the new router. We recommend naming it after the private network for which the router will be routing traffic.
    • Leave the Enable Admin State checked.
    • External Network: Select the public network.

    Click on the Create Router button to create the new router.

Connect a Router to a Subnet

To connect a router to its subnet:

  1. On the Routers screen, click on the name of the router to configure.

  2. Click on the Interfaces tab and then the Add Interface button on the upper right corner.

  3. On the Add Interface Screen, select the subnet (hopefully it has the same name as the connected private network). Leave IP Addresses field empty and click on the Submit button.

  4. The new interface should now be listed under the Interfaces tab of the router.

Delete a Router

Click on the pull down menu next to the router to be deleted. Select Delete Router.

List Floating IP Addresses

The Floating IPs screen under the Project and Network tabs lists floating IP addresses allocated in your project. Next to each floating IP address is the associated instance if the IP address is in use by an instance.

Create a Floating IP Address


Before a floating IP address can be assigned to an instance, a router must be created connecting the public network and the instance's private network.

On the Floating IPs screen under the Project and Network tabs,

  1. Click on the Allocate IP to Project button in the upper right corner.

  2. On the Allocate Floating IP screen, select the public network for Pool and click on the Allocate IP button to allocate a floating IP address on the public network.

  3. On the Floating IPs screen, you can now assign the newly create floating IP address to an instance by clicking on the Associate button.

Delete a Floating IP Address


If you delete a floating IP address, the IP is released back to the cloud for others to use. You might not be able to get the same floating IP back.

On the Floating IPs screen, click on the pull down menu next to the floating IP address to be deleted. Then select Release Floating IP.

Assign a Floating IP Address to an Instance

On the Floating IPs screen,

  1. Click on Associate button next to a free floating IP. If you don't see a free floating IP, create a new floating IP address first.

  2. On the Manage Floating IP Associations screen,

    • IP address: This field should default to the floating IP you just selected. Leave this field at the default value.
    • Port to associated: Click on the pull down menu and select the instance to which you want to assign the floating IP address.

  3. Click on the Associate button. The instance should now be able to be reached at the floating IP address.

Remove a Floating IP Address from an Instance

On the Floating IPs screen, click on the Disassociate button next to the floating IP address and the instance from which you want to remove the floating IP.

After a floating IP is removed from the instance, it can be reassigned to another instance or released back to the cloud.