Horizon Web Console: Volumes

Under the Project and Volume tabs, use the Volumes screen to manage the volumes in your project.

Create a Volume

  1. Click on Create Volume in the upper right corner of the Volumes screen.

  2. In the Create Volume window,

    • Volume Name: Name the volume.
    • Description: Enter a helpful description for the volume.
    • Volume Source: Select
      • No source, empty volume to create an empty volume,
      • Snapshot to create a new volume from a snapshot,
      • Image to use the volume as the root volume to launch an instance, or
      • Volume to clone an existing volume.
    • Type: Select rbd.
    • Size (GiB): Choose a size for your volume. You can always extend the size later, but volumes can't be shrunk.
    • Availability Zone: Select redcloud2.
    • Group: Select No Group.

    Click on the Create Volume button to finalize.

Delete a Volume


You must first delete all snapshots of a volume (under the Snapshots tab of the volume's screen) before the volume can be deleted. If you are having trouble deleting volumes or snapshots, please contact CAC Help. Include in your request the UUIDs of all the volumes and snapshots you'd like to delete.

  1. Click on the pull down menu next to the volume to be deleted and select Delete Volume.

Attach a Volume to an Instance

  1. Click on the pull down menu next to the volume to be attached and select Manage Attachment.

  2. Select the instance you want to attach to and click on Attach Volume.

  3. Follow either the Linux steps or the Windows steps to complete the attachment.

Detach a Volume from an Instance

  1. Unmount the file system to ensure all cached changes are flushed back to the disk.

  2. Click on the pull down menu next to the volume to be detached and select Manage Attachment.

  3. Click on Detach Volume to detach it from the instance.

Rename a Volume

Give a meaningful name to a volume so it can be easily identified from the list of volumes in your project.

  1. Click on the volume's name or UUID from the Volumes screen.

  2. Click on the Edit button on the upper right corner.

  3. On the next screen, enter the new volume name and click on the Submit button.

Extend a Volume


Because the root volume of an instance cannot be detached, use the procedures in the Extend a Root Volume page to extend a root volume.

  1. Detach the volume from the instance.

  2. Click on the pull down menu next to the volume to be extended and select Extend Volumes.

  3. Choose a new size for the volume. Note that the new size cannot be smaller than the original size.

  4. Extend the file system on extended volume using these instructions to e

List Snapshots

  1. Snapshots in Red Cloud are managed under the Projects and Volume tabs. Clicking into Snapshots will list you all the snapshots available to this project.

Take a Volume Snapshot

  1. Click on the pull down menu next to the volume to be snapshotted and select Create Snapshot.

  2. Name the snapshot and enter a helpful description, and click on Create Volume Snapshot.

Delete a Snapshot


If you are having trouble deleting volumes or snapshots, please contact CAC Help.

  1. Click on the pull down menu next to the snapshot to be deleted and select Delete Volume Snapshot.

Transfer a Volume to a Different Project

See the Transfer a Volume to a Different Project section of the Storage page on how to transfer a volume from one project to another.

Create a Transfer Request

From the source project:

  1. Click on the pull down menu next to the volume to be transferred and select Create Transfer.

  2. Enter a descriptive name for the transfer, and click Create Volume Transfer.

  3. Save Transfer ID and Authorization Key, either by manually copying them to a secure location or click on Download transfer credientials. These information will not be available after closing the tab.

  4. Your volume will be in the Awaiting Transfer state:

Accept a Transfer Request

From the destination project:

  1. Click on Accept Transfer.

  2. Enter Transfer ID and Authorization Key from the previous steps. Click on Accept Volume Transfer to finalize the volume transfer. The volume should now be removed from the source project and appear in the destination project.