from visual import * # Two double pendula, to illustrate high sensitivity to initial conditions # in a simple system. Bruce Sherwood, Fall 2002. # The analysis is in terms of Lagrangian mechanics. # The Lagrangian variables are angle of upper bar, angle of lower bar, # measured from the vertical. twopendula = 1 # if true, show two pendula different = 1 # if true, start with theta1 differing by 0.001 radians print(""" Set twopendula = 1 to show two identical pendula. Set different = 1 to make initial upper angles differ by 0.001 radian. """) print('Currently, twopendula =', twopendula, ', different =', different,'.') print('Click to start the motion.') scene.title = 'Double Pendulum' scene.height = scene.width = 800 g = 9.8 M1 = 2.0 M2 = 1.0 d = 0.05 # thickness of each bar gap = 2.*d # distance between two parts of upper, U-shaped assembly L1 = 0.5 # physical length of upper assembly; distance between axles L1display = L1+d # show upper assembly a bit longer than physical, to overlap axle L2 = 1.0 # physical length of lower bar L2display = L2+d/2. # show lower bar a bit longer than physical, to overlap axle # Coefficients used in Lagrangian calculation A = (1./4.)*M1*L1**2+(1./12.)*M1*L1**2+M2*L1**2 B = (1./2.)*M2*L1*L2 C = g*L1*(M1/2.+M2) D = M2*L1*L2/2. E = (1./12.)*M2*L2**2+(1./4.)*M2*L2**2 F = g*L2*M2/2. hpedestal = 1.3*(L1+L2) # height of pedestal wpedestal = 0.1 # width of pedestal tbase = 0.05 # thickness of base wbase = 8.*gap # width of base offset = 2.*gap # from center of pedestal to center of U-shaped upper assembly top = vector(0,0,0) # top of inner bar of U-shaped upper assembly = top-vector(0,(L1+L2)/2.,0) pedestal = box(pos=top-vector(0,hpedestal/2.,0), height=1.1*hpedestal, length=wpedestal, width=wpedestal, color=(0.4,0.4,0.5)) base = box(pos=top-vector(0,hpedestal+tbase/2.,0), height=tbase, length=wbase, width=wbase, color=pedestal.color) axle = cylinder(pos=top-vector(0,0,offset-gap/2.+d/5), axis=(0,0,2*(offset-gap/2.+d/5)), radius=d/4., color=color.yellow) class pendulum(object): # theta1 initial upper angle (from vertical) # theta1dot initial rate of change of theta1 # theta2 initial lower angle (from vertical) # theta2dot initial rate of change of theta2 def __init__(self, pos=top, theta1=1., theta1dot=0, theta2=0., theta2dot=0): self.pos = pos self.frame1 = frame(pos=self.pos) self.theta1 = theta1 self.theta1dot = theta1dot self.theta2 = theta2 self.theta2dot = theta2dot box(frame=self.frame1, pos=(L1display/2.-d/2.,0,-(gap+d)/2.), size=(L1display,d,d), box(frame=self.frame1, pos=(L1display/2.-d/2.,0,(gap+d)/2.), size=(L1display,d,d), cylinder(frame=self.frame1, pos=(L1,0,-(gap+d)/2.), axis=(0,0,gap+d), radius=axle.radius, color=axle.color) self.frame1.axis = (0,-1,0) self.frame2 = frame(pos=pos+self.frame1.axis*L1) box(frame=self.frame2, pos=(L2display/2.-d/2.,0,0), size=(L2display,d,d), self.frame2.axis = (0,-1,0) self.update(dtheta1=self.theta1, dtheta2=self.theta2) def update(self, dtheta1=0, dtheta2=0): self.frame1.rotate(axis=(0,0,1), angle=dtheta1) self.frame2.pos = self.pos+self.frame1.axis*L1 self.frame2.rotate(axis=(0,0,1), angle=dtheta2) pend1 = pendulum(pos=top+vector(0,0,offset), theta1=1.3*pi/2.) pendula = [pend1] if twopendula: theta1 = pend1.theta1 if different: theta1 += 0.001 pend2 = pendulum(pos=top+vector(0,0,-offset), theta1=theta1) pendula.append(pend2) scene.autoscale = 0 scene.mouse.getclick() dt = 0.001 t = 0. while 1: rate(1./dt) for pend in pendula: # Calculate accelerations of the Lagrangian coordinates: atheta1 = ((E*C/B)*sin(pend.theta1)-F*sin(pend.theta2))/(D-E*A/B) atheta2 = -(A*atheta1+C*sin(pend.theta1))/B # Update velocities of the Lagrangian coordinates: pend.theta1dot += atheta1*dt pend.theta2dot += atheta2*dt # Update Lagrangian coordinates: dtheta1 = pend.theta1dot*dt dtheta2 = pend.theta2dot*dt pend.theta1 += dtheta1 pend.theta2 += dtheta2 pend.update(dtheta1=dtheta1, dtheta2=dtheta2) t = t+dt # Copyright (C) Cornell University # All rights reserved. # Apache License, Version 2.0