import scipy import DynamicLattice class IsingModel: """Ising model class""" def __init__(self, N=10, T=2. / scipy.log(1. + scipy.sqrt(2.)), H=0., seed=1): """ Call scipy.random.seed with argument seed; Set self.N to be N Build self.lattice to be random 50/50 0/1, using random_integers Call self.SetTemperatureField with T, H """ if seed is None: scipy.random.seed() else: scipy.random.seed(seed) self.lattice = scipy.random.random_integers(0, 1, (N, N)) self.SetTemperatureField(T, H) self.N = N # # Checkerboard update # if N%2 != 0: # print "N must be even for staggered method" # = scipy.zeros((N,N)) # = scipy.zeros((N,N), float) # for i in range(N): # for j in range(N): # if (i+j)%2 == 0.: #[i,j]=1. # else: #[i,j]=1. def SetTemperatureField(self, T, H): """ Sets self.privateTemperature, self.privateField # # After debugging, for faster performance, set up algorithm-dependent data structures to avoid taking exponentials for every flipped spin # Heat bath algorithm: Sets up self.heatBathProbUp to be array of doubles of length Z+1=5 (the number of different neighbors up (nUp) possible) Figure out spin energies eUp, eDown given nUp; figure out Boltzmann relative probabilities boltzUp, boltzDown; If T!= 0, set heatBathProbUp(nUp) to boltzUp/(boltzUp+boltzDown) otherwise set it to (0, 0.5, 1) if eUp is (positive, zero, negative). # Metropolis algorithm: Sets up self.MetropolisProbUp to be a 2x5 matrix of Floats (first index is current state of spin, second index is nUp) Iterate over nUp; If T != 0 If eDown > eUp, set probability to flip from down to up to one, up to down to 1-exp(-(eDown-eUp)/T) If eDown <= eUp, set probability to flip from up to down to one, down to up to 1-exp(-(eUp-eDown)/T) Otherwise (T=0) set appropriately # Wolff algorithm set p """ self.privateTemperature = T self.privateField = H J = 1. # Convention: also float to avoid int problems # Set up heat bath algorithm lookup table self.heatBathProbUp = scipy.zeros(5, float) for nUp in range(0, 5): # Four neighbors on square lattice sumNbrs = 2 * (nUp - 2) # Sum of spins of neighbors eUp = -J * sumNbrs - H eDown = J * sumNbrs + H if T != 0: boltzUp = scipy.exp(-eUp / T) boltzDown = scipy.exp(-eDown / T) self.heatBathProbUp[nUp] = boltzUp / (boltzUp + boltzDown) else: if eUp > 0: self.heatBathProbUp[nUp] = 0. elif eUp < 0: self.heatBathProbUp[nUp] = 1. else: self.heatBathProbUp[nUp] = 0.5 # Set up Metropolis algorithm lookup table self.MetropolisProbUp = scipy.zeros((2, 5), float) for nUp in range(0, 5): # Four neighbors on square lattice sumNbrs = 2 * (nUp - 2) # Sum of spins of neighbors eUp = -J * sumNbrs - H eDown = J * sumNbrs + H if T != 0: if eDown > eUp: # Down spin unstable # If current spin is down, flip up self.MetropolisProbUp[0, nUp] = 1. # If current spin is up, flip down with prob e^(-|dE|/T) self.MetropolisProbUp[1, nUp] = 1. - \ scipy.exp(-(eDown - eUp) / T) else: # Up spin unstable # If current spin is down, flip up with prob e^(-|dE|/T) self.MetropolisProbUp[ 0, nUp] = scipy.exp(-(eUp - eDown) / T) # If current spin is up, flip down self.MetropolisProbUp[1, nUp] = 0. else: if eDown > eUp: # Down spin unstable # If current spin is down, flip up self.MetropolisProbUp[0, nUp] = 1. # If current spin is up, leave alone self.MetropolisProbUp[1, nUp] = 0. elif eDown < eUp: # Up spin unstable # If current spin is down, leave alone self.MetropolisProbUp[0, nUp] = 0. # If current spin is up, flip down self.MetropolisProbUp[1, nUp] = 1. # Set up Wolff algorithm if T == 0: self.p = 0. else: self.p = 1.0 - scipy.exp(-2. * J / T) def GetTemperature(self): """ Returns self.privateTemperature """ return self.privateTemperature def GetField(self): """ Returns self.privateField """ return self.privateField def NeighborsUp(self, i, j): """ Sums self.lattice at four neighbor sites, modulo self.N """ ip1 = (i + 1) % self.N im1 = (i - 1) % self.N jp1 = (j + 1) % self.N jm1 = (j - 1) % self.N return (self.lattice[ip1][j] + self.lattice[im1][j] + self.lattice[i][jp1] + self.lattice[i][jm1]) def SweepHeatBath(self, nTimes=1): """ Slow variant (for debugging): For each time in range(ntimes): For n in range(N): Pick a random spin (i,j) Find NeighborsUp(i,j) Find the probability heatBathProbUp that the spin will be up Create a random number r in (0,1] if rand < heatBathProbUp, set spin lattice[i][j]=1 # Fast variant: For each time in range(ntimes): Creates N random (i,j) pairs Creates N random numbers in (0,1] (note: use 1-scipy.random.random() to avoid zero) if rand < heatBathProbUp for NeighborsUp(i,j) set spin lattice[i][j]=1 else set it to zero """ for time in range(nTimes): iArr = scipy.random.randint(0, self.N, self.N * self.N) jArr = scipy.random.randint(0, self.N, self.N * self.N) randomArr = 1. - scipy.random.random(self.N * self.N) for i, j, rand in zip(iArr, jArr, randomArr): if rand < self.heatBathProbUp[self.NeighborsUp(i, j)]: self.lattice[i, j] = 1 else: self.lattice[i, j] = 0 def SweepMetropolis(self, nTimes=1): """ For each time in range(ntimes): Creates N random (i,j) pairs Creates N random numbers in (0,1] if rand < MetropolisProbUp for current spin, NeighborsUp(i,j) set spin lattice[i][j]=1 else set it to zero """ for time in range(nTimes): iArr = scipy.random.randint(0, self.N, self.N * self.N) jArr = scipy.random.randint(0, self.N, self.N * self.N) randomArr = 1. - scipy.random.random(self.N * self.N) for i, j, rand in zip(iArr, jArr, randomArr): if rand < self.MetropolisProbUp[self.lattice[i][j], self.NeighborsUp(i, j)]: self.lattice[i][j] = 1 else: self.lattice[i][j] = 0 def WolffMoveRecursive(self): """ Slow, recursive variant of Wolff move # Pick a random spin; remember its direction Flip it Call FlipNeighbors; add one to its result return spinsFlipped """ i = scipy.random.randint(0, self.N) j = scipy.random.randint(0, self.N) oldSpin = self.lattice[i, j] self.lattice[i, j] = (self.lattice[i, j] + 1) % 2 spinsFlipped = 1 + self.FlipNeighbors(i, j, oldSpin) return spinsFlipped def FlipNeighbors(self, i, j, oldSpin): """ Used by WolffMoveRecursive # Initialize spinsFlipped to zero For m, n in neighbors of i, j: if lattice[m][n]==oldSpin and random()

0: i, j = toFlip.pop(0) # Check if flipped in between if self.lattice[i, j] == oldSpin: self.lattice[i, j] = (self.lattice[i, j] + 1) % 2 spinsFlipped += 1 ip1 = (i + 1) % self.N im1 = (i - 1) % self.N jp1 = (j + 1) % self.N jm1 = (j - 1) % self.N neighbors = [(ip1, j), (im1, j), (i, jp1), (i, jm1)] for m, n in neighbors: if self.lattice[m, n] == oldSpin: if scipy.random.random() < self.p: toFlip.append((m, n)) return spinsFlipped def SweepWolff(self, nTimes=1, partialSweep=0): """ Do nTimes sweeps of the Wolff algorithm, returning partialSweep (1) The variable partialSweep is the number of `extra' spins flipped in the previous Wolff cluster moved that belong to the current sweep. (2) A sweep is comprised of Wolff cluster moves until at least N*N-partialSweep spins have flipped. (Just add the spinsFlipped from WolffMove to partialSweep, while partialSweep < N*N, the new partialSweep is the current one minus N*N.) (3) Return the new value of partialSweep after nTimes sweeps. (4) You might print an error message if the field is not zero """ if self.GetField() != 0.: print("Field will be ignored by Wolff algorithm") for time in range(nTimes): while partialSweep < self.N * self.N: partialSweep += self.WolffMove() partialSweep = partialSweep - (self.N * self.N) return partialSweep def runHeatBath(N=100, nSweepsPerShow=1, nShow=500): """ Set up ising as an IsingModel Set up dl as an NxN DynamicLattice (dl = DynamicLattice.DynamicLattice(N,N)) for t in range nShow, display lattice with dl.display(ising.Lattice) and then sweep with ising.SweepHeatBath(nSweepsPerShow) """ ising = IsingModel(N, T=2. / scipy.log(1. + scipy.sqrt(2.)) - 0.1) dl = DynamicLattice.DynamicLattice((N, N)) for t in range(nShow): dl.display(ising.lattice) ising.SweepHeatBath(nSweepsPerShow) def runMetropolis(N=100, nSweepsPerShow=1, nShow=500): """ Same as runHeatBath except use SweepMetropolis """ ising = IsingModel(N, T=2. / scipy.log(1. + scipy.sqrt(2.)) - 0.1) dl = DynamicLattice.DynamicLattice((N, N)) for t in range(nShow): dl.display(ising.lattice) ising.SweepMetropolis(nSweepsPerShow) def runWolff(N=100, nSweeps=500): """ Same as runHeatBath except initialize partialSweep=0, and use partialSweep = SweepWolff(partialSweep=partialSweep) """ ising = IsingModel(N) dl = DynamicLattice.DynamicLattice((N, N)) partialSweep = 0 for t in range(nSweeps): dl.display(ising.lattice) partialSweep = ising.SweepWolff(partialSweep=partialSweep) def yesno(): response = input(' Continue? (y/n) ') if len(response) == 0: # [CR] returns true return True elif response[0] == 'n' or response[0] == 'N': return False else: # Default return True def demo(): """Demonstrates solution for exercise: example of usage""" print("Ising Demo, T=Tc-0.1, N=100, nSteps=50") Tc = T = 2. / scipy.log(1. + scipy.sqrt(2.)) - 0.1 N = 100 nSweeps = 20 ising = IsingModel(100, T=Tc) dl = DynamicLattice.DynamicLattice((N, N)) dl.setTitle("Heat Bath Algorithm") print("Heat Bath Algorithm") for t in range(nSweeps): dl.display(ising.lattice) ising.SweepHeatBath() if not yesno(): return print("Metropolis Algorithm") ising = IsingModel(100, T=Tc) dl = DynamicLattice.DynamicLattice((N, N)) dl.setTitle("Metropolis Algorithm") for t in range(nSweeps): dl.display(ising.lattice) ising.SweepMetropolis() if not yesno(): return print("Wolff Algorithm") ising = IsingModel(100, T=Tc) dl = DynamicLattice.DynamicLattice((N, N)) dl.setTitle("Wolff Algorithm") partialSweep = 0 for t in range(nSweeps): dl.display(ising.lattice) partialSweep = ising.SweepWolff(partialSweep=partialSweep) if __name__ == "__main__": demo() # 3 # TEXTBOOK FIGURE UTILITIES # 3 def CoarsenByNine(lattice): """ Take square lattice of Ising spins size nxn = 3m x 3m Return coarse-grained matrix (majority rule) size mxm """ n = len(lattice) if n % 3 != 0: print("Size of matrix not divisible by 3") m = n / 3 coarse = scipy.zeros((m, m)) for i in range(m): for j in range(m): sum = 0 for p in range(3): for q in range(3): sum += lattice[3 * i + p, 3 * j + q] if sum > 4: coarse[i, j] = 1 else: coarse[i, j] = 0 return coarse def SaveCoarsenedLattices(pow=3, nSweeps=10, filenamePrefix="CoarsenedBy", seed=(1, 1)): n = 3**pow ising = IsingModel(n, seed=seed) partialSweep = 0 for t in range(nSweeps): partialSweep = ising.SweepWolff(partialSweep=partialSweep) c = ising.lattice for p in range(pow): m = len(c) output = open(filenamePrefix + "%d" % p + ".dat", "w") for i in range(m): for j in range(m): output.write("%d " % c[i, j]) output.write("\n") output.write("\n") output.close() c = CoarsenByNine(c) import IsingStaticGraphics def SaveCoarsenedImages(pow=3, nSweeps=10, filenamePrefix="CoarsenedBy", seed=(1, 1)): n = 3**pow ising = IsingModel(n, seed=seed) partialSweep = 0 for t in range(nSweeps): ising.SweepWolff(partialSweep=partialSweep) c = ising.lattice for p in range(pow): m = len(c) IsingStaticGraphics.DrawIsingLattice(c, imfile=filenamePrefix + "%d" % p + ".gif", imsize=729) c = CoarsenByNine(c) # Abortive staggered method def SlowNeighborsUpMatrix(self): nUp = scipy.zeros((self.N, self.N)) for i in range(self.N): for j in range(self.N): nUp[i][j] = self.NeighborsUp(i, j) return nUp def NeighborsUpMatrix(self): nUp = scipy.zeros((self.N, self.N)) # Neighbor below nUp[0:-1] += self.lattice[1:] nUp[-1] += self.lattice[0] # Neighbor above nUp[1:] += self.lattice[0:-1] nUp[0] += self.lattice[-1] # Neighbor to left nUp[:, 0:-1] += self.lattice[:, 1:] nUp[:, -1] += self.lattice[:, 0] # Neighbor to right nUp[:, 1:] += self.lattice[:, 0:-1] nUp[:, 0] += self.lattice[:, -1] return nUp def SweepHeatBathStaggered(self, nTimes=1): for time in range(nTimes): randomArr = 1. - scipy.random.random((self.N, self.N)) # Checkerboard moves # Flip even sites nUp = self.NeighborsUpMatrix() # Want # putmask(a, mask, v) results in a = v where mask is true #scipy.putmask(self.lattice, red, XXX) #nUp = self.NeighborsUpMatrix() #putmask(self.lattice, red, XXX) #self.lattice = red * self.lattice # + black * scipy.less(randomArr, ...) # Copyright (C) Cornell University # All rights reserved. # Apache License, Version 2.0