import os, random try: import Image, ImageDraw except: try: from PIL import Image, ImageDraw except: raise Error("Error: cannot image Image, ImageDraw from PIL") import tempfile # Graphics for the Ising model # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # image display def Display(image_file='tmpf.jpg'): """Display(image_file) attempts to display the specified image_file on the screen, using the Preview application on Mac OS X, the ImageMagick display utility on other posix platforms (e.g., Linux) and the Microsoft mspaint utility on Windows platforms.""" os_name = if os_name == 'nt': # Windows try: os.system('mspaint %s &' % image_file) except: raise OSError("Cannot display %s with Windows mspaint" % \ image_file) else: os_uname = os.uname() if os_uname[0] == 'Darwin': # Mac OS X, assume no X server running try: os.system('open /Applications/ %s &' % image_file) except: raise OSError("Cannot display %s with Preview application" % \ image_file) elif os_name == 'posix': # Linux, Unix, etc. try: os.system('display %s &' % image_file) except: raise OSError("Cannot display %s with ImageMagick display. ImageMagick display requires a running X server." % \ image_file) else: raise OSError("no known display function for OS %s" % os_name) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def DrawIsingLattice(lattice, scale=0, imsize=800, imfile=None): """DrawIsingLattice(lattice) will draw an image file of the 2D LxL square--lattice Ising model, and then will display the result. By default, the image file will be stored in a uniquely named png file in /tmp, although the image file name can be supplied optionally with the imfile argument.""" # Set up image file if imfile is None: imfile = tempfile.mktemp() # make unique filename in /tmp imfile += "_square_network_sites.png" L = len(lattice) if (scale==0): scale = max(1,int(imsize/L)) # Size of squares for each node # Background white (in case some nodes missing) white = (255,255,255) im ='RGB', (scale*L, scale*L), white) if (scale>1): draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) black = (0,0,0) # starting color # Draw up spins black for i in range(L): for j in range(L): if lattice[i,j]==1: if (scale==1): im.putpixel((i,j), black) else: x = i*scale y = j*scale draw.rectangle(((x,y),(x+scale,y+scale)), fill=black) Display(imfile) return im # Copyright (C) Cornell University # All rights reserved. # Apache License, Version 2.0