import random import scipy import os import time import NetGraphics import MultiPlot import IntegerHistogram import imp pylab = MultiPlot.pylab # ***** Start by reading the exercise "PercolationComputation.pdf" ***** # # ***** (and later "PercolationScaling.pdf") from Percolation.html ***** # # ***** in***** # # ***** This exercise requires that you have written code to build ***** # # ***** UndirectedGraphs, as described in the exercise: ***** # # ***** Introduction to Networks ***** # # Import your network definitions import Networks imp.reload(Networks) # for ipython %run to reload properly # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Bond percolation on a square lattice # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def MakeSquareBondPercolation(L, p): """Instantiate empty graph g = Networks.UndirectedGraph() Add nodes on square grid using g.AddNode Add horizontal and vertical bonds to neighbors with probability p using g.AddEdge (1) scipy.random.random() will generate random float 0 <= r < 1, so "scipy.random.random() < p" is true with probability p (2) (i+1)%L will give periodic boundary conditions return g Check your answer using NetGraphics.DrawSquareNetworkBonds(g) """ g = Networks.UndirectedGraph() for i in range(L): for j in range(L): g.AddNode((i, j)) if scipy.random.random() < p: g.AddEdge((i, j), ((i + 1) % L, j)) if scipy.random.random() < p: g.AddEdge((i, j), (i, (j + 1) % L)) return g # ***** After creating, displaying, and debugging your bond ***** # # ***** percolation networks, write the routines for finding ***** # # ***** clusters in (put there because they are general) ***** # # ***** and use the NetGraphics routines below to plot the clusters ***** # # ***** in different colors to aid debugging. ***** # def PlotBondPercolationBonds(L=10, p=0.5, seed=1): """ Uses DrawSquareNetworkBonds in NetGraphics to graph the percolation network made by MakeSquareBondPercolation and the clusters returned by Networks.FindAllClusters. Best for small networks to debug. """ scipy.random.seed(seed) g = MakeSquareBondPercolation(L, p) cl = Networks.FindAllClusters(g) imfile = 'BondPercolation_%s_%s_%s.tif' % (L, p, seed) im = NetGraphics.DrawSquareNetworkBonds(g, cl, imfile=imfile) #iconfile = 'BondPercolationIcon_%s_%s_%s.jpg' % (L,p,seed) #imIcon = im.resize((96,96), Image.ANTIALIAS) # # display(iconfile) def PlotBondPercolation(L=10, p=0.5, seed=1): """ Uses DrawSquareNetworkSites in NetGraphics to graph the percolation network made by MakeSquareBondPercolation and the clusters returned by Networks.FindAllClusters. Best for large networks to explore universality. """ scipy.random.seed(seed) g = MakeSquareBondPercolation(L, p) cl = Networks.FindAllClusters(g) imfile = 'BondPercolation_%s_%s_%s.tif' % (L, p, seed) im = NetGraphics.DrawSquareNetworkSites(g, cl, imfile=imfile) imfile = 'BondPercolationBiggest_%s_%s_%s.tif' % (L, p, seed) im = NetGraphics.DrawSquareNetworkSites(g, [cl[0]], imfile=imfile) #iconfile = 'BondPercolationIcon_%s_%s_%s.jpg' % (L,p,seed) #imIcon = im.resize((96,96), Image.ANTIALIAS) # # display(iconfile) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Site percolation on a triangular lattice # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def MakeTriangularSitePercolation(L, p): """Triangular lattice is implemented by bonds to neighbors separated by [0,1], [1,0], [-1, 1] and their negatives, so we need an edge connecting [i,j] to [i,j+1], [i+1,j], [i-1,j+1], for each point in the lattice, modulo the lattice size L. Either (a) add one node at a time, and fill in all the neighbors, or (b) use scipy.random.random((L,L)) to fill a whole matrix at once to determine which sites are occupied; (i) add nodes and edges as appropriate, or (ii) dispense with the dictionary and write GetNodes() and GetNeighbors functions directly from the array Check your answer using NetGraphics.DrawTriangularNetworkSites(g, cl) (For small L, the graphics may cut off your graph early: use NetGraphics.DrawTriangularNetworkSites(g, cl, L) to fix this) """ g = Networks.UndirectedGraph() nbrs = [[0, 1], [0, -1], [1, 0], [-1, 0], [1, -1], [-1, 1]] for i in range(L): for j in range(L): if scipy.random.random() < p: g.AddNode((i, j)) for nbr in nbrs: site = ((i + nbr[0]) % L, (j + nbr[1]) % L) if g.HasNode(site): g.AddEdge((i, j), site) return g # def MakeTriangularSitePercolationVariant(L, p): # g = Networks.UndirectedGraph() # upNbrs = [[0,1],[1,0],[-1,1]] # siteThere = scipy.random.random((L,L))

0 for all points (say, by adding min=1.e-10 to all the entries), you can do pylab.loglog(S['bond'],D['bond']) to do a log-log plot # Make two more lists, S['site'] and D['site'] for site percolation # You can now either change colors by hand ("bo" for blue circles with lines, "ro" for red, ...), pylab.plot(S['bond'],D['bond'], "bo-") pylab.plot(S['site'],D['site'], "ro-") or you can use our package MultiPlot.MultiPlot(S, D, xlabel='S', ylabel='D(S)') which should give legends and axis labels. Do help(MultiPlot.MultiPlot) for more details, for log-log plots, etc. # Add the theory curve using the cool property that one can take powers of scipy arrays: D['power'] = S['power']**(-tau)! # You'll find that the data curves become unreliable as soon as there are sizes with only a few clusters. We can cure this by binning several sizes in one bin. The bookkeeping for doing this is a bit messy, so we provide a package, IntegerHistogram. (1) Take your data points (sizes, all integers) make a long list of them called "sizes" (2) Set up the bins you like. I recommend bins =10.**arange(0.0,log10(L*L),0.25) (3) S['bond'], D['bond'] = IntegerHistogram.IntegerHistogram(sizes, bins) will give the centers and average counts per integer for each bin""" # IntegerHistogram needs bin sizes bins = 10.**scipy.arange(0., scipy.log10(L * L), log10binsize) # Find out size and centers of integer histogram for range bins # by generating the zero histogram centers, histo = IntegerHistogram.IntegerHistogram([], bins) nPoints = len(centers) # Set up S array for MultiPlot S = dict([(name, centers) for name in ['site', 'bond', 'power']]) # Set up arrays for storing statistical totals #Dtot_site = scipy.zeros(nPoints,scipy.Float) #D2tot_site = scipy.zeros(nPoints,scipy.Float) #Dtot_bond = scipy.zeros(nPoints,scipy.Float) #D2tot_bond = scipy.zeros(nPoints,scipy.Float) # note: with scipy1.0, default type for zeros is float, # and scipy.Float is no longer defined. # float conversion in array constructors below not necessary # since float is default, but included for illustration Dtot_site = scipy.zeros(nPoints, float) D2tot_site = scipy.zeros(nPoints, float) Dtot_bond = scipy.zeros(nPoints, float) D2tot_bond = scipy.zeros(nPoints, float) # Loop over repeats for r in range(repeats): # site percolation site_sizes = [] g = MakeTriangularSitePercolation(L, p) clusters = Networks.FindAllClusters(g) site_sizes.extend([len(cl) for cl in clusters]) centers, histo = IntegerHistogram.IntegerHistogram(site_sizes, bins) Dtot_site += histo D2tot_site += histo * histo # bond percolation bond_sizes = [] g = MakeSquareBondPercolation(L, p) clusters = Networks.FindAllClusters(g) bond_sizes.extend([len(cl) for cl in clusters]) centers, histo = IntegerHistogram.IntegerHistogram(bond_sizes, bins) Dtot_bond += histo D2tot_bond += histo * histo # Multiplot needs dictionary of data to plot: labels are curve names Dbar = {} Dbar['site'] = Dtot_site / repeats Dbar['bond'] = Dtot_bond / repeats tau = 187. / 91. Dbar['power'] = S['power']**(-tau) Dsig = {} if repeats > 1: Dsig['site'] = scipy.sqrt( ((D2tot_site / repeats) - Dbar['site']**2) / (repeats - 1)) Dsig['bond'] = scipy.sqrt( ((D2tot_bond / repeats) - Dbar['bond']**2) / (repeats - 1)) Dsig['power'] = 0. * S['power'] # Avoid log(0) in log-log plot Dbar['site'] += min Dbar['bond'] += min # Plot! MultiPlot.MultiPlot(S, Dbar, xlabel='S', ylabel='D(S)', yerrdata=Dsig, log='xy', loc='lower left', showIt=True) def PlotLogLogBeta(L=10, pc=0.5, n=10, repeats=1): p = pc + 2.**scipy.arange(-n, 0.1) # Storage for totals # note: with scipy1.0, default type for zeros is float, # and scipy.Float is no longer defined. # float conversion in array constructors below not necessary # since float is default, but included for illustration Ptot_site = scipy.zeros(len(p), float) P2tot_site = scipy.zeros(len(p), float) Ptot_bond = scipy.zeros(len(p), float) P2tot_bond = scipy.zeros(len(p), float) # Iterate over repeats for r in range(repeats): # Site percolation P = scipy.zeros(len(p)) for i in range(len(p)): g = MakeTriangularSitePercolation(L, p[i]) cl = Networks.FindAllClusters(g) P[i] = len(cl[0]) Ptot_site += P P2tot_site += (P * P) # Bond percolation P = scipy.zeros(len(p)) for i in range(len(p)): g = MakeSquareBondPercolation(L, p[i]) cl = Networks.FindAllClusters(g) P[i] = len(cl[0]) Ptot_bond += P P2tot_bond += (P * P) # Multiplot needs dictionary of data to plot: labels are curve names pmpc = dict([(name, p - pc) for name in ['site', 'bond', 'power']]) Pbar = {} Pbar['site'] = Ptot_site / repeats Pbar['bond'] = Ptot_bond / repeats Pbar['power'] = L**(91. / 48.) * (p - pc)**(5. / 36.) Psig = {} if repeats > 1: Psig['site'] = scipy.sqrt( ((P2tot_site / repeats) - Pbar['site']**2) / (repeats - 1)) Psig['bond'] = scipy.sqrt( ((P2tot_bond / repeats) - Pbar['bond']**2) / (repeats - 1)) Psig['power'] = 0. * p # Plot! MultiPlot.MultiPlot(pmpc, Pbar, xlabel='p-pc', ylabel='P', yerrdata=Psig, log='xy', loc='lower left', showIt=True) def PlotPofp(Ls=[5, 10, 20], repeats=1): """Here, because you'll want to study small systems as well as large ones, you'll need to average over several realizations of the disorder. (1) Remember that the variance of the mean is 1/(repeats-1) times the variance of the sample, so the standard deviation is sqrt(<(P-Pbar)^2>/(repeats-1)) = sqrt((P2Sum - PSum**2/repeats)/(repeats*(repeats-1)) (2) A good range of p might be 2.5/L on each side of pc? Generate the array of p values using scipy.arange. (3) To use MultiPlot. (a) Make dictionaries pValues[L, type], Pbar[L, type], and sigma[L, type] where type = 'site' or 'bond' (b) Plotting the (unrescaled) curves can be done with MultiPlot.MultiPlot(pValues, Pbar, xform='p->p', yform='P->P', yerrdata=sigma, yerrform = 'sigma->sigma', loc='upper left', showIt=True) (c) Doing your scaling collapses, you'll need to add keyNames=('L',"type") and a scalingParams dictionary to Multiplot's argument list.""" pValues = {} Pbar = {} Psig = {} for L in Ls: prange = 2.5 / L p = 0.5 + scipy.arange(-prange, prange * (1.0001), prange / 10.0) # Storage for totals Ptot_site = scipy.zeros(len(p), float) P2tot_site = scipy.zeros(len(p), float) Ptot_bond = scipy.zeros(len(p), float) P2tot_bond = scipy.zeros(len(p), float) # Iterate over repeats for r in range(repeats): # Site percolation P = scipy.zeros(len(p), float) for i in range(len(p)): g = MakeTriangularSitePercolation(L, p[i]) cl = Networks.FindAllClusters(g) if (cl != []): P[i] = float(len(cl[0])) / (L * L) else: P[i] = 0 Ptot_site += P P2tot_site += (P * P) # Bond percolation P = scipy.zeros(len(p), float) for i in range(len(p)): g = MakeSquareBondPercolation(L, p[i]) cl = Networks.FindAllClusters(g) if (cl != []): P[i] = float(len(cl[0])) / (L * L) else: P[i] = 0 Ptot_bond += P P2tot_bond += (P * P) pValues[L, 'site'] = p pValues[L, 'bond'] = p Pbar[L, 'site'] = Ptot_site / repeats Pbar[L, 'bond'] = Ptot_bond / repeats if repeats > 1: Psig[L, 'site'] = scipy.sqrt( ((P2tot_site / repeats) - Pbar[L, 'site']**2 + 1.e-6) / (repeats - 1)) Psig[L, 'bond'] = scipy.sqrt( ((P2tot_bond / repeats) - Pbar[L, 'bond']**2 + 1.e-6) / (repeats - 1)) # Plot! MultiPlot.MultiPlot(pValues, Pbar, xlabel='p', ylabel='P', yerrdata=Psig, loc='upper left', showIt=True) # Scaling plot nu = 4. / 3. beta = 5. / 36. MultiPlot.MultiPlot(pValues, Pbar, xform='p->(p-pc)*L**(1./nu)', yform='P->L**(beta/nu)*P', yerrdata=Psig, yerrform='Psig -> L**(beta/nu)*Psig', loc='upper left', keyNames=('L', "type"), scalingParams={'nu': nu, 'beta': beta, 'pc': 0.5}, showIt=True) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # For percolation on a protein interaction network # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def RandomPrune(graph, delta): g = Networks.UndirectedGraph() for node1 in graph.GetNodes(): for node2 in graph.GetNeighbors(node1): if scipy.random.random() < delta: g.AddEdge(node1, node2) return g def Percolate(graph, deltas): sizes = [] for delta in deltas: g = RandomPrune(graph, delta) cl = Networks.FindAllClusters(g) sizes.append(len(cl[0])) return scipy.array(sizes) def MultiPercolate(graph, deltas, numruns): N = numruns size_tot = 0. * scipy.array(deltas) size2_tot = 0. * scipy.array(deltas) for i in range(numruns): size = Percolate(graph, deltas) size_tot += size size2_tot += size * size means = size_tot / N sigmas = scipy.sqrt((size2_tot - N * means * means) / (N * (N - 1))) pylab.errorbar(deltas, means, yerr=sigmas) # plotter.plot(Gnuplot.Data(deltas, means, sigmas, with='errorbars')) def TestMultiPercolate(): prot = ReadGraphFromNeighborFile('bo.dat') deltas = scipy.arange(0.005, 0.2, 0.005) MultiPercolate(prot, deltas, 10) def yesno(): response = input(' Continue? (y/n) ') if len(response) == 0: # [CR] returns true return True elif response[0] == 'n' or response[0] == 'N': return False else: # Default return True def demo(): """Demonstrates solution for exercise: example of usage""" print("Percolation Demo") print(" Bond Percolation Bonds 20x20") PlotBondPercolationBonds(20) if not yesno(): return print(" Bond Percolation Sites 200x200") PlotBondPercolation(200) if not yesno(): return print(" Site Percolation 100x100 (skew)") PlotSitePercolation(100) if not yesno(): return print(" Size Distribution Histogram") PlotLogLogSizeDistributionHist(200) if not yesno(): return print(" Beta") PlotLogLogBeta(100) if not yesno(): return print(" P of p") PlotPofp(Ls=[10, 20, 50]) if __name__ == "__main__": demo() # Copyright (C) Cornell University # All rights reserved. # Apache License, Version 2.0