import scipy import pylab def RandomWalk(N=100, d=2): """ Use scipy.cumsum and scipy.random.uniform to generate a d-dimensional random walk of length N, each of which has a random DeltaX and DeltaY between -1/2 and 1/2. You'll want to generate an array of shape (N,d), using (for example), scipy.random.uniform(min, max, shape). It is important to do the cumulative sum (cumsum) along the appropriate axis of the array. The default behavior (axis=None) sums over all axes, reducing a multi-dimensional array of shape (N,d) to a one-dimensional array of length N*d. To independently sum each of the d coordinates of each step in the walk, do the cumulative sum over axis=0. """ return scipy.cumsum(scipy.random.uniform(-0.5,0.5,(N,d)), axis=0) def PlotRandomWalkXT(N=100): """ Plot X(t) for one-dimensional random walk """ X = RandomWalk(N,1) pylab.plot(X) def PlotRandomWalkXY(N=100): """ Plot X, Y coordinates of random walk where X = walk[:,0] # slicing to extract the 0 column on the first axis Y = walk[:,1] # slicing to extract the 1 column on the first axis To make the X and Y axes the same length, use pylab.figure(figsize=(8,8)) before pylab.plot(X,Y) and pylab.axis('equal') afterward. """ walk = RandomWalk(N,d=2) X = walk[:,0] # slicing to extract the 0 column on the first axis Y = walk[:,1] # slicing to extract the 1 column on the first axis pylab.figure(figsize=(8,8)) pylab.plot(X,Y) pylab.axis('equal') def BoxCount(walk): w = walk h1 = scipy.histogram2d(w[:,0], w[:,1], [1,1]) bbox = scipy.array([h1[1][1]-h1[1][0], h1[2][1]-h1[2][0]]) histos = {} sizes = [1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024] for n in sizes: if bbox[0] < bbox[1]: nx = n ny = int(nx*(bbox[1]/bbox[0])) else: ny = n nx = int(ny*(bbox[0]/bbox[1])) histos[n] = scipy.histogram2d(w[:,0], w[:,1], [nx,ny]) boxes = dict([(min(bbox[0],bbox[1])/n, \ scipy.sum(histos[n][0]>0)) for n in histos]) sk = sorted(boxes.keys()) sv = [boxes[k] for k in sk] pylab.plot(sk, sv, 'bo-') pylab.xlabel('Box size (L)') pylab.ylabel('Number of boxes to cover (N)') pylab.loglog() return histos, boxes def Endpoints(W=10000, N=10, d=2): """ Returns a list of endpoints of W random walks of length N and dimension d. (In one dimension, this should return an array of one-element arrays, to be consistent with higher dimensions.) One can generate the random walks and then peel off the final positions, or one can generate the steps and sum them directly, since the intermediate positions are not needed here. scipy.random.uniform can be used to generate a 3-index array of the appropriate shape (containing W random walks of shape (N,d)). As described above in RandomWalk(), the sum (using scipy.sum) should be done along the appropriate axis of the randomly generated array. """ return scipy.sum(scipy.random.uniform(-0.5,0.5,(W,N,d)), axis=1) def PlotEndpoints(W=10000, N=10, d=2): """ Plot endpoints of random walks. Use scipy.transpose to pull out X, Y. To plot black points not joined by lines use pylab.plot(X, Y, 'k.') Again, use pylab.figure(figsize=(8,8)) before and pylab.axis('equal') afterward. """ X, Y = scipy.transpose(Endpoints(W, N, d)) pylab.figure(figsize=(8,8)) pylab.plot(X,Y,'k.') pylab.axis('equal') def HistogramRandomWalk(W=10000, N=10, d=1, bins=50): """ Compares the histogram of random walks with the normal distribution predicted by the central limit theorem. # (1) Plots a histogram rho(x) of the probability that a random walk with N has endpoint X-coordinate at position x. Uses pylab.hist(X, bins=bins, normed=1) to produce the histogram # (2) Calculates the RMS stepsize sigma for a random walk of length N (with each step uniform in [-1/2,1/2] Plots rho = (1/(sqrt(2 pi) sigma)) exp(-x**2/(2 sigma**2)) for -3 sigma < x < 3 sigma on the same plot (i.e., before Hint: Create x using arange. Squaring, exponentials, and other operations can be performed on whole arrays, so typing in the formula for rho will work without looping over indices, except sqrt, pi, and exp need to be from the appropriate library (pylab, scipy, ...) """ X = Endpoints(W, N, d)[:,0] pylab.hist(X, bins=bins, normed=1) # sigma = scipy.sqrt(N/12.) x = scipy.arange(-3*sigma,3*sigma,sigma/bins) rho = (1/(scipy.sqrt(2*scipy.pi)*sigma))*scipy.exp(-x**2/(2*sigma**2)) pylab.plot(x, rho, "k-") def yesno(): response = input(' Continue? (y/n) ') if len(response)==0: # [CR] returns true return True elif response[0] == 'n' or response[0] == 'N': return False else: # Default return True def demo(): """Demonstrates solution for exercise: example of usage""" print("Random Walk Demo") print("Random Walk X vs. t") PlotRandomWalkXT(10000) if not yesno(): return print("Random Walk X vs. Y") PlotRandomWalkXY(10000) if not yesno(): return print("Endpoints of many random walks") print("N=1: square symmetry") PlotEndpoints(N=1) if not yesno(): return print("N=10: emergent circular symmetry") PlotEndpoints(N=10) if not yesno(): return print("Central Limit Theorem: Histogram N=10 steps") HistogramRandomWalk(N=10) if not yesno(): return print("1 step") HistogramRandomWalk(N=1) if not yesno(): return print("2 steps") HistogramRandomWalk(N=2) if not yesno(): return print("4 steps") HistogramRandomWalk(N=4) if not yesno(): return if __name__=="__main__": demo() # Copyright (C) Cornell University # All rights reserved. # Apache License, Version 2.0