# # See the exercise "Repressilator.pdf" from Repressilator.html # in http://www.physics.cornell.edu/~myers/teaching/ComputationalMethods/ComputerExercises/ # #import RepressilatorAnimation #RepressilatorAnimation.ClearScene() #animator = RepressilatorAnimation.RepressilatorAnimator() import scipy import scipy.integrate import random class Chemical: """Chemical is a class describing chemicals and/or chemical complexes. Chemical.amount: the amount of the Chemical in the cell. Chemical.reactions: a list of reactions whose rates are changed if Chemical.amount is altered.""" def __init__(self, amount): # Chemical.amount represents the amount of this Chemical in the cell self.amount = amount # Chemical.reactions is a list of reactions whose rates are changed if # Chemical.amount is altered. self.reactions = [] class DegradationReaction: """DegradationReaction describes the removal of one molecule of the specified substrate, with specified rate_constant. Overall rate for this reaction to occur is substrate.amount * rate_constant.""" def __init__(self, substrate, rate_constant): self.stoichiometry = {substrate: -1} self.substrate = substrate self.rate_constant = rate_constant substrate.reactions.append(self) def GetRate(self): return self.substrate.amount * self.rate_constant class CatalyzedSynthesisReaction: """CatalyzedSynthesisReaction describes the synthesis of product in the presence of a catalyst: catalyst -> catalyst + product, with specified rate_constant. Overall rate for this reaction to occur is catalyst.amount * rate_constant.""" def __init__(self, catalyst, product, rate_constant): self.stoichiometry = {product: 1} self.catalyst = catalyst self.rate_constant = rate_constant product.reactions.append(self) def GetRate(self): return self.catalyst.amount * self.rate_constant class HeterodimerBindingReaction: """HeterodimerBindingReaction describes the binding of two distinct types of chemicals, A and B, to form a product dimer: A + B -> dimer, with specified rate_constant. Overall rate for this reaction to occur is A.amount * B.amount * rate_constant.""" def __init__(self, A, B, dimer, rate_constant): self.stoichiometry = {A: -1, B: -1, dimer: 1} self.A = A self.B = B self.rate_constant = rate_constant A.reactions.append(self) B.reactions.append(self) dimer.reactions.append(self) def GetRate(self): return self.A.amount * self.B.amount * self.rate_constant class HeterodimerUnbindingReaction: """HeterodimerBindingReaction describes the unbinding of a heterodimer into two distinct types of chemicals, A and B: dimer -> A + B, with specified rate_constant. Overall rate for this reaction to occur is dimer.amount * rate_constant.""" def __init__(self, dimer, A, B, rate_constant): self.stoichiometry = {A: 1, B: 1, dimer: -1} self.dimer = dimer self.rate_constant = rate_constant A.reactions.append(self) B.reactions.append(self) dimer.reactions.append(self) def GetRate(self): return self.dimer.amount * self.rate_constant # --------------------------------------------------------------------- class Repressilator: """ Repressilator is a base class for the three-gene repressilator system introduced by Elowitz and Leibler, ref. All reactions in the stochastic version of the Repressilator are implemented, with rates as given in the paper. The set of Chemical states (all 3 mRNAs, all 3 proteins, and all 9 promoter states) have a defined ordering, as stored in the dictionary chemIndex, which maps Chemicals to integer indices in the ordering. This ordering is necessary to communicate with utilities (such as scipy.integrate.odeint) that require chemical amounts to be stored as a 1D array. The GetStateVector method returns the Chemical amounts as a scipy array in the appropriate order, and the SetStateVector method sets the Chemical amounts based on a supplied array. """ def __init__(self, mRNA_degradation_rate=scipy.log(2.) / 120., protein_degradation_rate=scipy.log(2.) / 600., translation_rate=0.167, unocc_transcription_rate=0.5, occ_transcription_rate=5.0e-04, P_binding=1.0, P1_unbinding=224.0, P2_unbinding=9.0): self.t = 0. self.chemIndex = {} self.reactions = [] self.mRNA_degradation_rate = mRNA_degradation_rate self.protein_degradation_rate = protein_degradation_rate self.translation_rate = translation_rate self.unocc_transcription_rate = unocc_transcription_rate self.occ_transcription_rate = occ_transcription_rate self.P_binding = P_binding self.P1_unbinding = P1_unbinding self.P2_unbinding = P2_unbinding self.lacI = Chemical(30.0) self.tetR = Chemical(20.0) self.cI = Chemical(10.0) self.LacI = Chemical(300.0) self.TetR = Chemical(200.0) self.CI = Chemical(100.0) self.PlacI = Chemical(1.0) self.PtetR = Chemical(1.0) self.PcI = Chemical(1.0) self.PlacI_CI = Chemical(0.0) self.PtetR_LacI = Chemical(0.0) self.PcI_TetR = Chemical(0.0) self.PlacI_CI_CI = Chemical(0.0) self.PtetR_LacI_LacI = Chemical(0.0) self.PcI_TetR_TetR = Chemical(0.0) self.mRNAs = [self.lacI, self.tetR, self.cI] self.proteins = [self.LacI, self.TetR, self.CI] self.P0 = [self.PlacI, self.PtetR, self.PcI] self.P1 = [self.PlacI_CI, self.PtetR_LacI, self.PcI_TetR] self.P2 = [self.PlacI_CI_CI, self.PtetR_LacI_LacI, self.PcI_TetR_TetR] for chem in self.mRNAs: self.AddChemical(chem) for chem in self.proteins: self.AddChemical(chem) for chem in self.P0: self.AddChemical(chem) for chem in self.P1: self.AddChemical(chem) for chem in self.P2: self.AddChemical(chem) for i in range(3): self.AddReaction( DegradationReaction(self.mRNAs[i], mRNA_degradation_rate)) self.AddReaction( DegradationReaction(self.proteins[i], protein_degradation_rate)) self.AddReaction( CatalyzedSynthesisReaction(self.mRNAs[i], self.proteins[i], translation_rate)) self.AddReaction( CatalyzedSynthesisReaction(self.P0[i], self.mRNAs[i], unocc_transcription_rate)) self.AddReaction( CatalyzedSynthesisReaction(self.P1[i], self.mRNAs[i], occ_transcription_rate)) self.AddReaction( CatalyzedSynthesisReaction(self.P2[i], self.mRNAs[i], occ_transcription_rate)) j = (i + 1) % 3 self.AddReaction( HeterodimerBindingReaction(self.P0[i], self.proteins[j], self.P1[i], P_binding)) self.AddReaction( HeterodimerBindingReaction(self.P1[i], self.proteins[j], self.P2[i], P_binding)) self.AddReaction( HeterodimerUnbindingReaction(self.P1[i], self.P0[i], self.proteins[j], P1_unbinding)) self.AddReaction( HeterodimerUnbindingReaction(self.P2[i], self.P1[i], self.proteins[j], P2_unbinding)) self.rates = scipy.zeros(len(self.reactions), float) for rIndex, r in enumerate(self.reactions): self.rates[rIndex] = r.GetRate() def AddChemical(self, chemical): self.chemIndex[chemical] = len(self.chemIndex) def GetChemicalIndex(self, chemical): return self.chemIndex[chemical] def AddReaction(self, reaction): self.reactions.append(reaction) def GetStateVector(self): c = scipy.zeros(len(self.chemIndex), float) for chem, index in list(self.chemIndex.items()): c[index] = chem.amount return c def SetFromStateVector(self, c): for chem, index in list(self.chemIndex.items()): chem.amount = c[index] class StochasticRepressilator (Repressilator): """ StochasticRepressilator is a stochastic implementation of the three-gene repressilator system, with time evolution implemented using Gillespie's Direct Method, as described in detail in Step. """ def ComputeReactionRates(self): """ComputeReactionRates computes the current rate for every reaction defined in the network, and stores the rates in self.rates.""" for index, r in enumerate(self.reactions): self.rates[index] = r.GetRate() def Step(self, dtmax): """Step(self, dtmax) implements Gillespie's Direct Simulation Method, executing at most one reaction and returning the time increment required for that reaction to take place. If no reaction is executed, the specified maximal time increment dtmax is returned. (1) all reaction rates are computed (2) a total rate for all reactions is found (3) a random time is selected, to be drawn from an exponential distribution with mean value given by the inverse of the total rate, e.g., ran_dtime = -scipy.log(1.-random.random())/total_rate (4) if the random time is greater than the time interval under consideration (dtmax), then no reaction is executed and dtmax is returned (5) otherwise, a reaction is chosen at random with relative probabilities given by the relative reaction rates; this is done by (5a) uniformly drawing a random rate from the interval from [0., total rate) (5b) identifying which reaction rate interval corresponds to the randomly drawn rate, e.g., |<-------------------total rate---------------------->| |<----r0----->|<-r1->|<--r2-->|<-----r3----->|<--r4-->| | X | Randomly drawn rate X lands in interval r3 (6) the chosen reaction is executed (7) the time at which the reaction is executed is returned """ self.ComputeReactionRates() total_rate = sum(self.rates) # get exponentially distributed time ran_time = -scipy.log(1. - random.random()) / total_rate if ran_time > dtmax: return dtmax # get uniformly drawn rate in interval defined by total_rate ran_rate = total_rate * random.random() # find interval corresponding to random rate reac_index = len(self.rates) - sum(scipy.cumsum(self.rates) > ran_rate) reaction = self.reactions[reac_index] # execute specified reaction for chem, dchem in list(reaction.stoichiometry.items()): chem.amount += dchem # return time at which reaction takes place return ran_time def Run(self, T, delta_t=0.0): """Run(self, T, delta_t) runs the StochasticRepressilator for a specified time interval T, returning the trajectory at specified time intervals delta_t (or, if delta_t == 0.0, after every reaction) """ tfinal = self.t + T if delta_t == 0.: ts = [self.t] trajectory = [self.GetStateVector()] while self.t < tfinal: dt = self.Step(tfinal - self.t) self.t += dt ts.append(self.t) trajectory.append(self.GetStateVector()) return scipy.array(ts), scipy.array(trajectory) else: eps = 1.0e-06 ts = scipy.arange(0., T + eps, delta_t) trajectory = scipy.zeros((len(ts), len(self.chemIndex)), float) trajectory[0] = self.GetStateVector() tindex = 0 while self.t < tfinal: dt = self.Step(ts[tindex + 1] - self.t) self.t += dt if self.t >= ts[tindex + 1]: tindex += 1 for chem, cindex in list(self.chemIndex.items()): trajectory[tindex][cindex] = chem.amount return ts, trajectory class DeterministicRepressilator (Repressilator): """ DeterministicRepressilator is a deterministic implementation of the three-gene repressilator system, with time evolution implemented by summing up all reactions as appropriate to form a differential equation describing the time rate of change of all chemical constituents in the model. """ def dcdt(self, c, t): """dcdt(self, c, t) returns the instantaneous time rate of change of the DeterministicRepressilator system, given chemical concentration state vector c and current time t, for use in integration by scipy.integrate.odeint. dcdt loops through all reactions defined in the Repressilator system, computes the rates of those reactions, and increments those elements in a dc_dt array that are affected by the reaction under consideration. the fully assembled dc_dt array is returned by this method. """ self.SetFromStateVector(c) dc_dt = scipy.zeros(len(self.chemIndex), float) for index, r in enumerate(self.reactions): rate = r.GetRate() for chem, dchem in list(r.stoichiometry.items()): dc_dt[self.chemIndex[chem]] += (dchem * rate) return dc_dt def Run(self, tmax, dt): """Run(self, tmax, dt) integrates the DeterministicRepressilator for a time tmax, returning the trajectory at time steps as specified by dt, by calling scipy.integrate.odeint with the self.dcdt method describing the time derivative of the system Run should return the time array on which the trajectory is computed, along with the trajectory corresponding to those time points. """ eps = 1.0e-06 ts = scipy.arange(0., tmax + eps, dt) c = self.GetStateVector() traj = scipy.integrate.odeint(self.dcdt, c, ts) self.SetFromStateVector(traj[-1]) return ts, traj def RunStochasticRepressilator(T=100., dt=1., plots=False, plotPromoter=False): """RunStochasticRepressilator(tmax, dt, plots=False, plotPromoter=False) creates and runs a StochasticRepressilator for the specified time interval T, returning the trajectory in time increments dt, optionally using pylab to make plots of mRNA, protein, and promoter amounts along the trajectory. """ sr = StochasticRepressilator() sts, straj = sr.Run(T, dt) curvetypes = ['r-', 'g-', 'b-'] if plots: import pylab pylab.figure(1) for i in range(3): pylab.plot(sts, straj[:, sr.chemIndex[sr.mRNAs[i]]], curvetypes[i]) pylab.figure(2) for i in range(3): pylab.plot( sts, straj[ :, sr.chemIndex[ sr.proteins[i]]], curvetypes[i]) if plotPromoter: pylab.figure(3) for i in range(3): promoter_state = (0.99 + 0.01 * i) *\ (straj[:, sr.chemIndex[sr.P1[i]]] + 2. * straj[:, sr.chemIndex[sr.P2[i]]]) pylab.plot(sts, promoter_state, curvetypes[i]) pylab.show() return sr, sts, straj def RunDeterministicRepressilator(T=100., dt=1., plots=False, plotPromoter=False): """RunDeterministicRepressilator(tmax, dt, plots=False, plotPromoter=False) creates and runs a DeterministicRepressilator for the specified time interval T, returning the trajectory in time increments dt, optionally using pylab to make plots of mRNA, protein, and promoter amounts along the trajectory. """ dr = DeterministicRepressilator() dts, dtraj = dr.Run(T, dt) curvetypes = ['r-', 'g-', 'b-'] if plots: import pylab pylab.figure(1) for i in range(3): pylab.plot(dts, dtraj[:, dr.chemIndex[dr.mRNAs[i]]], curvetypes[i]) pylab.figure(2) for i in range(3): pylab.plot( dts, dtraj[ :, dr.chemIndex[ dr.proteins[i]]], curvetypes[i]) if plotPromoter: pylab.figure(3) for i in range(3): promoter_state = (0.99 + 0.01 * i) *\ (dtraj[:, dr.chemIndex[dr.P1[i]]] + 2. * dtraj[:, dr.chemIndex[dr.P2[i]]]) pylab.plot(dts, promoter_state, curvetypes[i]) pylab.show() return dr, dts, dtraj def CompareDetSto(tmax=100., dt=1., RNAFactor=1., TelegraphFactor=1., plots=True, plotPromoter=False): """ CompareDetSto compares the Deterministic and Stochastic variants of the Repressilator by running each, and plotting the trajectories alongside each other. It is useful to return both of the Repressilator instances as well as both of the trajectories created. CompareDetSto(tmax, dt) runs each Repressilator for tmax seconds, returning the trajectory for each in increments of dt. The optional arguments RNAFactor and TelegraphFactor are used to explore the effects of shot noise and telegraph noise on the dynamics of the StochasticRepressilator; in particular, - initial RNA concentrations and the transcription rate are multiplied by RNAFactor, and the translation rate is divided by RNAFactor, thereby increasing RNA concentrations without otherwise affecting the continuum equations - promoter binding and unbinding rates are multiplied by TelegraphFactor The argument plots is a boolean variable affecting whether or not the RNA and protein concentrations for each Repressilator are plotted. The argument plotPromoter is a boolean variable affecting whether or not the various promoter states are plotted. Because the promoter states switch discretely (in the StochasticRepressilator) between 0, 1, and 2, it is useful to separate them from each other so what the state of each can be ascertained. For a trajectory straj, such a separation might look like: if plotPromoter: pylab.figure(3) pylab.plot(sts, 0.99*(straj[:,9]+2.*straj[:,12]), 'r-') pylab.plot(sts, 1.0*(straj[:,10]+2.*straj[:,13]), 'b-') pylab.plot(sts, 1.01*(straj[:,11]+2.*straj[:,14]), 'g-') """ r0 = Repressilator() translation_rate = r0.translation_rate / RNAFactor occ_transcription_rate = r0.occ_transcription_rate * RNAFactor unocc_transcription_rate = r0.unocc_transcription_rate * RNAFactor P_binding = r0.P_binding * TelegraphFactor P1_unbinding = r0.P1_unbinding * TelegraphFactor P2_unbinding = r0.P2_unbinding * TelegraphFactor sr = StochasticRepressilator(translation_rate=translation_rate, occ_transcription_rate=occ_transcription_rate, unocc_transcription_rate=unocc_transcription_rate, P_binding=P_binding, P1_unbinding=P1_unbinding, P2_unbinding=P2_unbinding) for rna in sr.mRNAs: rna.amount *= RNAFactor sts, straj = sr.Run(tmax, dt) dr = DeterministicRepressilator(translation_rate=translation_rate, occ_transcription_rate=occ_transcription_rate, unocc_transcription_rate=unocc_transcription_rate, P_binding=P_binding, P1_unbinding=P1_unbinding, P2_unbinding=P2_unbinding) for rna in dr.mRNAs: rna.amount *= RNAFactor dts, dtraj = dr.Run(tmax, dt) if plots: import pylab pylab.figure(1) pylab.plot(sts, (1. / RNAFactor) * straj[:, 0], 'r-') pylab.plot(sts, (1. / RNAFactor) * straj[:, 1], 'b-') pylab.plot(sts, (1. / RNAFactor) * straj[:, 2], 'g-') pylab.plot(dts, (1. / RNAFactor) * dtraj[:, 0], 'r-') pylab.plot(dts, (1. / RNAFactor) * dtraj[:, 1], 'b-') pylab.plot(dts, (1. / RNAFactor) * dtraj[:, 2], 'g-') pylab.figure(2) pylab.plot(sts, straj[:, 3], 'r-') pylab.plot(sts, straj[:, 4], 'b-') pylab.plot(sts, straj[:, 5], 'g-') pylab.plot(dts, dtraj[:, 3], 'r-') pylab.plot(dts, dtraj[:, 4], 'b-') pylab.plot(dts, dtraj[:, 5], 'g-') if plotPromoter: pylab.figure(3) pylab.plot(sts, 0.99 * (straj[:, 9] + 2. * straj[:, 12]), 'r-') pylab.plot(sts, 1.0 * (straj[:, 10] + 2. * straj[:, 13]), 'b-') pylab.plot(sts, 1.01 * (straj[:, 11] + 2. * straj[:, 14]), 'g-') pylab.show() return sr, dr, straj, dtraj # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def Animate(trajectory): """Animate(trajectory) will animate a Repressilator trajectory using objects from VPython/visual to represent protein, mRNA and promoter states. A trajectory should be a scipy array consisting of a number of timesteps, where each time step is a 15-element state vector for the Repressilator, in the defined ordering. NOTE: VPython/visual uses threads to separate control of the graphics from the Python interpreter. The VPython thread seems to conflict with threads initiated by pylab, and can lead to crashing of the Python interpreter. Therefore it is generally not a good idea to do both VPython animations and pylab plots within the same session. Since trajectories can take a significant amount of time to generate, it is sometimes useful to save a generated trajectory to a file (especially given the propensity of thread-induced crashes as described above). Trajectories are simply arrays, so they can be written to and read from disk using the ArrayIO module in the Scientific.IO package: from Scientific.IO import ArrayIO # write trajectory traj to file traj.dat ArrayIO.writeArray(traj, 'traj.dat') # read file traj.dat and store trajectory as newtraj newtraj = ArrayIO.readArray('traj.dat') """ #import RepressilatorAnimation # RepressilatorAnimation.ClearScene() #animator = RepressilatorAnimation.RepressilatorAnimator() #animator.AnimateTrajectory(trajectory) def yesno(): response = input(' Continue? (y/n) ') if len(response) == 0: # [CR] returns true return True elif response[0] == 'n' or response[0] == 'N': return False else: # Default return True def demo(): """Demonstrates solution for exercise: example of usage""" # print "Repressilator Demo" #dr, dts, dtraj = RunDeterministicRepressilator(T=10000., dt=10.0) # print "Deterministic Repressilator" # Animate(dtraj) # if not yesno(): return # print "Stochastic Repressilator" #sr, sts, straj = RunStochasticRepressilator(T=1000.) # Animate(straj) # if not yesno(): return print(" Compare Deterministic to Stochastic") sr, dr, straj, dtraj = CompareDetSto(tmax=1000., RNAFactor=100.) if __name__ == "__main__": demo() # Copyright (C) Cornell University # All rights reserved. # Apache License, Version 2.0