# 2 # # # See the exercise "Walker.pdf" from Walker.html # in http://www.physics.cornell.edu/~myers/teaching/ComputationalMethods/ComputerExercises/ # # """Implements "The Simplest Walking Model" by Garcia, Chatterjee, Ruina, and Coleman.""" # from scipy.integrate import odeint from scipy import * # import WalkerGraphics import imp imp.reload(WalkerGraphics) # class Walker: def __init__(self, L = 1.0, theta = 0.2, thetaDot = -0.2, phi = 0.4001, phiDot = 0.0, gamma = 0.009, stanceFootPos = [0,0,0], with_graphics=False): """Creates a new Walker and initializes class instance variables based on input, e.g., self.theta = theta; etc. If the with_graphics flag is True, then create an instance of WalkerGraphics.WalkerDisplay, e.g., self.graphics = WalkerGraphics.WalkerDisplay(self) """ pass def GetStateVector(self): """Returns [theta, thetaDot, phi, phiDot]""" pass def SetStateVector(self,stateVector): """Sets [theta, thetaDot, phi, phiDot]""" pass def GetBodyPos(self): """Calculate body position from stance foot position and theta 3D vector: z-component zero""" pass def GetStanceFootPos(self): """Returns stance foot position""" pass def SetStanceFootPos(self,stanceFootPos): """Sets stance foot position""" pass def GetSwingFootPos(self): """Calculates swing foot position from body position, phi, and theta 3D vector: z-component zero""" pass def CollisionCondition(self): """Returns condition c for heel strike""" pass def RoundCollisionConditionPositive(self): """Adjust phi by -2.0*c after heel strike if c<0 Check to see that new collision condition > 0 Prints error if c<-1.0e-10 (c should be near zero)""" pass def dydt(self, y,t): """ Defines evolution law yDot = dydt(y,t) for odeint. Notice that theta, thetaDot, phi, and phiDot must be unpacked from y: they are NOT the internal angular variables self.theta, self.thetaDot, ... # Why is this? Odeint doesn't even know that dydt involves a Walker. One could first update Walker's internal variables from y and then use the internal variables to calculate dydt. That's less efficient, and also odeint is likely to calculate with intermediate values of theta, thetaDot, phi, and phiDot that aren't in the end part of the trajectory. So we recommend writing a dydt function that uses the structural parameters like self.gamma, but not the internal state angle variables """ pass def dzdc(self, z, c): """z = (theta, thetadot, phi, phidot, t) c = phi-2 theta = 0 at collision Define evolution law dz/dc = dzdt / dc/dt dzdc (and dydt above) do not change the current state of the Walker or refer to it (except for the parameter gamma), since they are passed from odeint a state vector at which a derivative is to be evaluated.""" pass def ExecuteHeelstrike(self): """ExecuteHeelstrike switches roles of swing and stance legs, and changes momenta of legs based on impulse from heel, according to equation (4) in Garcia et al. above. ExecuteHeelstrike assumes the current state of the Walker has been set, and updates that state. After ExecuteHeelstrike is run, phi is reset by RoundCollisionConditionPositive to be big enough so that CollisionCondition is just barely greater than zero.""" pass def Walk(self, t_initial, t_final, dt=0.1): """Walk takes whatever number of Steps is needed to get from t_initial to t_final, stepping by dt. If Step returns a time, it executes a heelstrike and uses that time; otherwise it assumes Step ran to t_final""" pass def Step(self, t_initial, t_final, dt=0.1): """Step walks until the next heelstrike or t_final, whichever comes first. Step returns None if it reaches t_final, otherwise it returns the heelstrike time. Step does not execute the heelstrike, so that must be called separately if a heelstrike condition has been reached. Step runs forward in time in steps of dt until either t_final or it passes a heelstrike (condition condition c changes from negative to positive). When it passes a heelstrike, it changes variables from time t to c and integrates backwards to c=0. It sets the state of the walker before returning. If the WalkerGraphics is turned on, then once per Step, call self.graphics.update() for animating the motion. """ pass # # Copyright (C) Cornell University # All rights reserved. # Apache License, Version 2.0