""" When we walk, we are constantly making tiny corrections in order to not fall down. We're biologically engineered to have a nearly stable walk: one that maintains itself with minimal corrections. This happens because we are at an unstable fixed point. (Try balancing a meter stick vertically on your palm: small corrections can keep it upright even though it's unstable. Try "balancing" it at a 45 degree angle...) Our walker model, even in regimes where it falls down by itself (no periodic stable attractor), also has an unstable walking mode (unstable periodic orbit) that is likely biologically significant. """ # # See the exercise "Walker.pdf" from Walker.html # in http://www.physics.cornell.edu/~myers/teaching/ComputationalMethods/ComputerExercises/ # import Walker import imp imp.reload(Walker) # for ipython to reload properly after changes in Walker import scipy, scipy.optimize, pylab def HeelMap(y, w): """ We find this orbit by finding the initial condition (theta, thetaDot) after a heel strike that goes to itself after the next heel strike. This is done by defining HeelMap(y, w), which for a walker w and a state y[n] = (theta, thetaDot) immediately after a heelstrike, returns the difference between y[n] and y[n+1]. It should print out an error message if the heel strike doesn't happen by t=20. """ w.theta, w.thetaDot = y w.ExecuteHeelstrike() t_step = w.Step(0., 20.) if t_step is not None: return w.theta-y[0], w.thetaDot-y[1] else: print("HeelMap: collision condition not detected in t=(0, 20).") return w.theta-y[0], w.thetaDot-y[1] def FindPeriodicOrbit(w, gamma, theta0, thetaDot0): """ We use HeelMap along with a root finder (like scipy.optimize.fsolve) to find a nearby periodic orbit, starting at y=[theta0,thetaDot0]. fsolve will look in the two dimensional space for a zero of HeelMap, which thus is a fixed point of the walker after a step, which thus is a periodic orbit for the walker. fsolve doesn't care whether it's stable or not... The syntax for fsolve is scipy.optimize.fsolve(function, y0, args) where function(y, args) returns a vector to be zeroed of length len(y), y0 is an initial guess for the root, and "args" is a tuple of potential additional arguments for function. (For HeelMap, "args" should be (w,). This one-element tuple has a comma after the Walker to indicate that it is a tuple and not a parenthetical expression.) """ w.gamma = gamma theta, thetaDot = \ scipy.optimize.fsolve(HeelMap, [theta0, thetaDot0], args=(w,)) return theta, thetaDot def StanceAngleIntelligentWalker(): """ Stance angle theta vs. slope gamma for stable and unstable orbits of walker (duplicating figure 3 of Garcia, Chatterjee, Ruina, and Coleman, "The Simplest Walking Model: Stability, Complexity, and Scaling".) We discovered through trial and error that the heelstrike condition for gamma=0.009, used as an initial condition, put us on one branch or the other, depending at whether we started at gamma=0.01 or gamma=0.02. We work outward slowly from that initial condition. # Set up lists of gammas starting from 0.01->0.046, 0.01->0, 0.02->0.046, and 0.02->0, with a step size somewhere near 0.003. (Bigger step sizes will cause the orbit to get lost.) For each list of gammas, make a list of fixed--point thetaStar's start the walker in its default state (heelstrike condition for 0.009) work outward through the gammas, use FindPeriodicOrbit to find periodic (theta, thetaDot) for gamma set the walker to that pair execute the heel strike append theta to thetaStar plot thetaStar vs. gammas """ gammalists = [Walker.arange(0.01, 0.046, 0.003), Walker.arange(0.01, 0.0, -0.0025), Walker.arange(0.02, 0.046, 0.00325), Walker.arange(0.02, 0.0, -0.0025)] for gammas in gammalists: thetaStar = [] w = Walker.Walker() for gamma in gammas: root_theta, root_thetaDot = \ FindPeriodicOrbit(w, gamma, \ -w.theta, \ w.thetaDot/Walker.cos(2.*w.theta)) w.theta, w.thetaDot = root_theta, root_thetaDot w.ExecuteHeelstrike() thetaStar.append(w.theta) pylab.plot(gammas, thetaStar) pylab.show() def demo(): StanceAngleIntelligentWalker() if __name__=='__main__': demo() # Copyright (C) Cornell University # All rights reserved. # Apache License, Version 2.0