import scipy, pylab, random # Graphics for animating solution process import DynamicNetwork import imp imp.reload(DynamicNetwork) # Use to control whether you animate your solution # Set to False if you want to run quickly GRAPHICS = True # We first generate some "real-world" logical satisfiability problems # that emerge from graph coloring. This is mostly to give a feeling for # what SAT problems are, and to give a couple of examples where we # know the answer, to be used to debug our algorithms. def MakeSATFrom3Colorability(colorGraphDict): """Transform a 3-colorability problem into a SAT exercise. Assume that the graph to be colored is a dictionary, with keys labeling the nodes of the graph, and lists of neighbors as edges for each node. We assume an undirected graph, so if A has B in its list of neighbors, so B has A in its list. Assume colorGraphDict gives the neighbors of each edge: ['A'] = ['B', 'C', 'D'] Given an N-node graph, make up a 3N-variable SAT problem where node A has three logical variables A_red, A_green, and A_blue. # Let's do this systematically. (1) Define three dictionaries red, green, and blue, by iterating over the nodes ("for node in colorGraphDict"); for the nth node [counting from zero] red=3*n+1, green=3*n+2, and blue=3*n+3. (We'll use the negatives of these variables to denote the logical statement that the node is not colored that color: not-red = -(3*n+1), etc.) Each clause is a list of at most three integers (minus for "not"), so [6, -7, 3] says "node 2 is blue or node 3 is not red or node 1 is blue". (2) Then generate the clauses, appending to an empty list For each node, Append a clause saying that the node is colored at least one color Append three clauses saying that the node is not colored two colors For each edge (say between A and B), if B>A (to avoid double counting) append three clauses saying that A and B are not colored the same color (3) Return the clauses """ red = {} green = {} blue = {} nodeNumber = {} variables = [] # n=0 for node in colorGraphDict: red[node] = 3*n+1 green[node] = 3*n+2 blue[node] = 3*n+3 n+=1 # clauses = [] for node in colorGraphDict: # At least one color clauses.append([red[node], green[node], blue[node]]) clauses.append([-red[node], -green[node]]) # Not both red and green clauses.append([-red[node], -blue[node]]) # Not both red and blue clauses.append([-green[node], -blue[node]]) # Not both green and blue for node2 in colorGraphDict[node]: if node2 > node: clauses.append([-red[node], -red[node2]]) # Not both red clauses.append([-green[node], -green[node2]]) # Not both green clauses.append([-blue[node], -blue[node2]]) # Not both blue # return clauses def MakeMapsFromProblemSet(): """Generate, by hand, the two maps in the Graph Coloring figure in the Satisfactory Map Coloring exercise, as dictionaries: leftGraph={} leftGraph['A']=['B','C','D'], ... return leftGraph, rightGraph """ leftGraph={} leftGraph['A']=['B','C','D'] leftGraph['B']=['A','C'] leftGraph['C']=['A','B','D'] leftGraph['D']=['A','C'] # rightGraph={} rightGraph['A']=['B','C','D'] rightGraph['B']=['A','C','D'] rightGraph['C']=['A','B','D'] rightGraph['D']=['A','B','C'] # return leftGraph, rightGraph def MakeRandom_kSATClauses_0(nVars, nClauses, k=3): """ MakeRandom_kSATClauses(nVars, nClauses, k) generates a random k-SAT instance with nvariables and nClauses. We recommend using scipy.random.randint, making an array of shape (nClauses,k) of integers in the range [1,nVars], and multiplying it by an array filled with +-1 (found by making an array of 0's and 1's, doubling it and subtracting one). Our clauses are lists and not arrays (because lists can have variable numbers of entries, mixing 2SAT and 3SAT, for example), so convert the result to a list using clauses.tolist(), where clauses is the name of your clause array. [array.tolist() is a method to convert a scipy array to a Python list] """ vars = scipy.random.randint(1,nVars+1,(nClauses,k)) signs = scipy.random.randint(0,2,(nClauses,k))*2-1 return (signs * vars).tolist() # We also want to generate random kSAT problems def MakeRandom_kSATClauses(nvars, nclauses, k=3): """make_random_SAT_clauses(nvars, nclauses, k) generates a random k-SAT instance with nvariables and nclauses; each clause is guaranteed not to contain a given variable (or its negation) more than once""" signs = 2*scipy.random.randint(0,2, (nclauses,k))-1 v = [] for nc in range(nclauses): has_repeats = True while has_repeats: vc = scipy.random.randint(1, nvars+1, (k,)) s = set(vc) if len(s) == k: has_repeats = False v.append(vc) if len(v) > 0: v = scipy.array(v) else: v = scipy.zeros((0,k), 'd') clauses = signs * scipy.array(v) return clauses.tolist() # ------------------------------------------------------------------- class DPSATSolverBase: """ SATSolverBase implements a Davis-Putnam algorithm for finding solutions to logical satisfiability problems stated in conjuctive normal form. # This is a "base class", or virtual class: it does not implement one key method (TrySet), but awaits two different implementations (SlowDPSATSolver and FasterDPSATSolver) in classes derived from SATSolverBase. """ def __init__(self, clauseList=None): """ Constructs a SATSolverBase given a set of input clauses. It needs to create and store the following data members: # self.clauseList: the list of input clauses, each one consisting of a list of variables and negations of variables (stored as a list of signed integers) # self.vars: a list of the variables. This internal list will be used also to determine the order in which the variables are tried (given tentative values). Shuffling or reordering this list will be an important diagnostic and optimization tool. Until we start the fancy methods, be sure to sort this list (self.vars.sort()) after it is assembled from the clauses, so that your algorithm will set variables in the same order as the graphics program lays them out. # self.varStatus: a dictionary mapping variables to boolean values True or False, or None if variable is (so far) unset # self.nodeClauses: a dictionary mapping a variable to the indices of the clauses including that variable and maps its negation to those for clauses including the negation of that variable. Specifically, if clauseList[i]=[n,-m,p] then nodeClauses[n]=[..., i, ...] contains i, as should nodeClauses[-m] and nodeClauses[p]. # self.clauseStatus: a dictionary identifying whether the clause is not determined (None), or if it is True give the current state of the variables. (If a clause is False, for this algorithm, we immediately backtrack.) # if GRAPHICS is set to True, create self.dynnet: an instance of a DynamicNetwork graphics window for animating solver progress (self.dynnet = DynamicNetwork.DynamicNetwork()) """ self.clauseList = clauseList self.vars = [] self.varStatus = {} self.nodeClauses = {} self.clauseStatus = {} if GRAPHICS: self.dynnet = DynamicNetwork.DynamicNetwork() # for clauseIndex, clause in enumerate(clauseList): for literal in clause: var = abs(literal) if var not in self.vars: self.vars.append(var) self.varStatus[var]=None self.nodeClauses[var] = [] self.nodeClauses[-var] = [] self.nodeClauses[literal].append(clauseIndex) self.clauseStatus[clauseIndex]=None #self.vars.sort() numVarOccur = scipy.zeros(max(self.vars)+1) for c in self.clauseList: for lit in c: numVarOccur[abs(lit)]+=1 self.vars.sort(cmp = lambda x, y: cmp(numVarOccur[y],numVarOccur[x])) def SelectNextVariableToTry(self): """Gives next variable (index entry into list vars) for DP algorithm to try setting. Initially we explore the simple algorithm of just setting them in order: later we'll select them in MOMS order""" #return self.SelectNextVariableSimple() return self.SelectNextVariableMOMS() def SelectNextVariableSimple(self): """ Search through self.vars for the first unset variable (the index for which varStatus[vars[varIndex]] is None). If all are set (we're done!) return None; otherwise return varIndex. """ varIndex = 0 while self.varStatus[self.vars[varIndex]] is not None: varIndex+=1 if varIndex == len(self.vars): return None return self.vars[varIndex] def SelectNextVariableMOMS(self): """ Select one of the MOMS literals (Most Occurences in unresolved clauses of Minimial Size) at random. Also, if there are no unresolved clauses, return None to signal that a SAT solution has been found. "Size" refers to the number of unset variables in the clause. Usually the minimal size will be two. (`Length one' literals will be reduced by FasterDPSATSolver.TrySet). (1) Assemble a list MSVars of the unset variables in unresolved clauses of minimal size: Set k=1; # the Fast solver can start at k=2, but the Slow one # needs to start at k=1 while no unresolved clauses of length k exist: Loop over clauses, if the clause is not True (resolved) build a list of unset variables in the clause if that list has k variables, note that length k clauses exist extend the list of MSVars If no unresolved clauses exist, return None Increment k (2) Find the number of times each variable is contained in MSVars, and the maximum number (3) Collect the list of MOMS variables represented most often (4) Use random.choice to return random choice among MOMS variables """ MSVars = [] unresolvedClausesExist = False length_k_ClausesExist = False k=1 while not length_k_ClausesExist: for clauseIndex, clause in enumerate(self.clauseList): if self.clauseStatus[clauseIndex]!=True: unresolvedClausesExist=True unresolvedVars = [abs(lit) for lit in self.clauseList[clauseIndex] if self.varStatus[abs(lit)]==None] if len(unresolvedVars)==k: length_k_ClausesExist = True MSVars.extend(unresolvedVars) if not unresolvedClausesExist: # No unresolved clauses! Done! return None k+=1 # Find number of times each variable is contained in MSVars variableCounts = scipy.zeros(max(self.vars)+1) for var in MSVars: variableCounts[var] += 1 mostOccurences = max(variableCounts) MOMSVariables = [] for var in range(max(self.vars)+1): if variableCounts[var] == mostOccurences: MOMSVariables.append(var) return random.choice(MOMSVariables) def SelectNextVariableMOMS2(self): """ Select one of the MOMS literals (Most Occurences in clusters of Minimial Size) at random. (1) Find the size of the smallest currently unsatisfied clauses (usually 2 for 3SAT) (2) Find the number of times each unset literal is contained in those clauses (3) Collect the list of literals represented most often (4) Use random.choice to return random choice among most used literals """ unresolved = [(clauseIndex, [self.varStatus[abs(lit)] for lit in clause]) for clauseIndex, clause in enumerate(self.clauseList) if self.clauseStatus[clauseIndex]!=True] if len(unresolved)==0: # No unresolved clauses! Done! return None numNones = [lis.count(None) for i, lis in unresolved] minNones = min(numNones) MSVars = [] for clauseIndex, vals in unresolved: if vals.count(None)==minNones: vars = [abs(lit) for lit in self.clauseList[clauseIndex] if self.varStatus[abs(lit)]==None] MSVars.extend(vars) #clauseLengthBound = 100000000000 # Assume no very long clauses #clauseLengthMinimum = clauseLengthBound #MSLiterals = [] #for clauseIndex, clause in enumerate(self.clauseList): # if self.clauseStatus[clauseIndex]!=True: # Ignore satisfied clauses # clauseLength = 0 # unsetLiterals = [] # for literal in clause: # if self.varStatus[abs(literal)] == None: # clauseLength+=1 # unsetLiterals.append(literal) # if clauseLength <= 1: # print "clauseLength too small in SelectNextVariableMOMS" # elif clauseLength == clauseLengthMinimum: # MSLiterals.extend(unsetLiterals) # elif clauseLength < clauseLengthMinimum: # clauseLengthMinimum=clauseLength # MSLiterals = unsetLiterals #if clauseLengthMinimum == clauseLengthBound: # # No unresolved clauses! Done! # return None ## Now find maximum, and collect all variables with that maximum variableCounts = scipy.zeros(max(self.vars)+1) for literal in MSLiterals: variableCounts[abs(literal)] += 1 mostOccurences = max(variableCounts) MOMSVariables = [] for var in range(max(self.vars)+1): if variableCounts[var] == mostOccurences: MOMSVariables.append(var) return random.choice(MOMSVariables) def Solve(self): """Solve() returns True if the clauses are satisfiable (SAT) and False if UNSAT, along with the number of tries required to find a solution. Solve() also leaves "self" in a solved state if it found one. # Solve works by (0) initializing numTries = 0 (1) selecting a literal litNext to try setting next. If all variables are set, declare victory: return True and numTries(=0) (2) loop over literal in [litNext, -litNext] calling TrySet on that literal, incrementing numTries If TrySet returns True, Solve recursively calls itself, and supplements numTries. If this recursive call returns true, Solve declares victory and returns True and numTries Otherwise, unwind: set the status of the variables in varsSet and clauses in clausesSet to None (3) return False, numTries Also, if GRAPHICS==True, call Display() after each call to TrySet or Solve. """ numTries = 0 var = self.SelectNextVariableToTry() if var==None: return True, numTries # for literal in (var, -var): trySuccess, varsSet, clausesSet = self.TrySet(literal) if trySuccess: solveSuccess, incNumTries = self.Solve() if GRAPHICS: self.Display() numTries += incNumTries if solveSuccess: # Success! Declare victory and leave. if GRAPHICS: self.Display() return True, numTries # Unwind numTries += 1 for vars in varsSet: self.varStatus[vars]=None for clauseIndex in clausesSet: self.clauseStatus[clauseIndex]=None if GRAPHICS: self.Display() # return False, numTries def TrySet(self, literal): """Tries to set one literal to True, with various ramifications setting other variables depending on implementation. Returns status (True or False), a list varsSet of variables that have been set, and a list clausesSetTrue of clauses that have been newly set to True. # TrySet is undefined in the base class: SlowDPSATSolver and FasterDPSATSolver will implement it as subclasses of SATSolverBase. """ pass def Display(self): """Display() displays the current status of the DPSATSolver by calling self.dynnet.displayFromLists with the following data: # nodelist: the list of variables edgelist: the list of edges between variables which occur in clauses that have not been satisfied nodecolors: a dictionary mapping (positive) variable ids to colors clear = True: otherwise it won't redraw when edges are removed """ self.dynnet.displayFromLists(self.vars, self.GetUnresolvedEdges(), self.GetNodeColors(), clear=True) def GetUnresolvedEdges(self): """GetUnresolvedEdges() (used in Display) returns a list of all pairs of variables that are unset, and are involved in a clause which is not yet resolved; start with an empty list of unresolved edges, for each clauseIndex, clause in enumerate(clauseList) if the clause status is not set for each literal in the clause if the variable is unset for each second literal in the clause if the second variable is > first variable and is unset append to unresolved""" unresolved = [] for clauseIndex, clause in enumerate(self.clauseList): if self.clauseStatus[clauseIndex] is None: for lit1 in clause: v1 = abs(lit1) if self.varStatus[v1] is None: for lit2 in clause: v2 = abs(lit2) if v1>v2 and self.varStatus[v2] is None: unresolved.append((v1,v2)) return unresolved def GetNodeColors(self): """GetNodeColors() returns a dictionary of colors for Display: green (0,255,0) if variable is True, red (255,0,0) if False, and white (255,255,255) if unset""" nodeColors = {} for var in self.vars: if self.varStatus[var]==True: nodeColors[var]=(0,255,0) if self.varStatus[var]==False: nodeColors[var]=(255,0,0) if self.varStatus[var]==None: nodeColors[var]=(255,255,255) return nodeColors """You'll want to implement and test SlowDPSATSolver and Display on your colorability problems and some kSAT examples at this point, and then PlotSATFrac. Probably then you'll be motivated to improve on your algorithm using FasterDPSATSolver. At that point, you'll want to start implementing these further class member functions.""" def ShuffleVariableOrder(self): """ShuffleVariableOrder() resets and then randomly shuffles the var_order list, using the random.shuffle method: used for diagnosis on FasterDPSATSolver""" self.Reset() random.shuffle(self.vars) def Reset(self): """Reset() sets each variable value to None and each element of clause_true to None. Used especially when repeated runs are needed, as in using ShuffleVariableOrder.""" for var in self.vars: self.varStatus[var]=None for clauseIndex in range(len(self.clauseList)): self.clauseStatus[clauseIndex]=None def SetVariableOrderFromFrequency(self): """SetVariableOrderFromFrequency() sorts the vars list by the frequency with which each variable (or its negation) occurs in the clauses, in order of decreasing frequency""" pass def Verify(self): """ Verify() returns True if the current settings of the variables satisfy all the SAT clauses; otherwise returns False. Used especially in debugging. """ for clause in self.clauseList: SAT = False for literal in clause: if literal > 0 and self.varStatus[literal]==True: SAT = True if literal < 0 and self.varStatus[-literal]==False: SAT = True if SAT==False: return False return True class SlowDPSATSolver (DPSATSolverBase): def TrySet(self, literal): """Try setting one literal true. (1) Sets self.varStatus[var] to True or False, where var = abs(literal) and the sign of the literal is positive for True and negative for False. Set varsSet=[var] and initialize clausesSet to []. (2) Then tests each clause involving -literal: if it is not already set True, if all of its literals have variables that are set, (so the clause must be False) return False, varsSet=[var], and clausesSet = [] (3) Then, for each clause involving the literal, if the clause is unset, add the clause index to clausesSet and set the clause status to True. Return True, varsSet, and clausesSet""" # var = abs(literal) if literal>0: self.varStatus[var] = True else: self.varStatus[var] = False varsSet = [var] clausesSet = [] # Negative clauses for clauseIndex in self.nodeClauses[-literal]: if not self.clauseStatus[clauseIndex]: # Don't worry if already true varStatus = [self.varStatus[abs(lit)] for lit in self.clauseList[clauseIndex]] if None not in varStatus: # All variables set `wrong' return False, varsSet, clausesSet # Positive clauses for clauseIndex in self.nodeClauses[literal]: if self.clauseStatus[clauseIndex] is None: clausesSet.append(clauseIndex) self.clauseStatus[clauseIndex] = True return True, varsSet, clausesSet class FasterDPSATSolver (DPSATSolverBase): def TrySet(self, literal): """Improves on SlowDPSATSolver, by looking for a `length one' clause where all but one literal is set wrong, and using TrySet recursively to set that last literal true. """ # XXX Code duplication: should refactor? var = abs(literal) if literal>0: self.varStatus[var] = True else: self.varStatus[var] = False varsSet = [var] clausesSet = [] # Negative clauses for clauseIndex in self.nodeClauses[-literal]: if not self.clauseStatus[clauseIndex]: # Don't worry if already true varStatus = [self.varStatus[abs(lit)] for lit in self.clauseList[clauseIndex]] if None not in varStatus: # All variables set `wrong' return False, varsSet, clausesSet # Positive clauses for clauseIndex in self.nodeClauses[literal]: if self.clauseStatus[clauseIndex] is None: clausesSet.append(clauseIndex) self.clauseStatus[clauseIndex] = True # XXX Code duplication ends here # Test for 'length one' clauses for clauseIndex, clause in enumerate(self.clauseList): if not self.clauseStatus[clauseIndex]: # Don't worry if already true unsetLiterals = [lit for lit in clause if self.varStatus[abs(lit)]==None] if len(unsetLiterals)==1: status, tryVarsSet, tryClausesSet = \ self.TrySet(unsetLiterals[0]) varsSet.extend(tryVarsSet) clausesSet.extend(tryClausesSet) if status==False: return False, varsSet, clausesSet else: # Recursive: must be finished return True, varsSet, clausesSet return True, varsSet, clausesSet # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Various SAT analyses and tests # ------------------------------------------------------------------- def SATFrac(nVars, nClauses, nRuns, k=3, Solver=FasterDPSATSolver): """SATFrac(nVars, nClauses, nRuns, k=3, Solver=FasterDPSATSolver) calculates the fraction satisfiable and the times taken for nRuns of a kSAT problem with nVars and nClauses, using the solver algorithm. Returns mean and standard deviation for SATFrac and time, and the list of times. # It sets GRAPHICS to False (after declaring it global). It sets up variables 'SATTot' to store the total numer of satisfiable problems, 'times' a list to store the number of tries taken by the algorithm, 'timeTot' for the total time, and 'time2Tot' for the total squared time. [Remember that the variance var=(t2Tot-tTot^2/N)/(N-1) and thus the standard deviation of the mean sig=sqrt(var/N)]. It then loops over nRuns makes clauses instantiates solver finds SAT, time for solution (option, verify solution: useful for debugging new solvers) increments SATTot, timeTot, time2Tot, and appends to times finds SATFrac and timeAv if nRuns==1 returns them finds variance, sigma for the mean for SAT, time (note SAT2Tot = SATTot: why?) returns SATFrac, SATFracSigmaMean, timeAv, timeSigmaMean """ global GRAPHICS GRAPHICS=False SATTot = 0. timeTot = 0. time2Tot = 0. times = [] # for run in range(nRuns): clauses = MakeRandom_kSATClauses(nVars, nClauses, k) sol = Solver(clauses) SAT, time = sol.Solve() if SAT != sol.Verify(): print("Error in SATFrac: solution doesn't check") if SAT: SATTot += 1 timeTot += time time2Tot += time*time times.append(time) SATFrac = SATTot / nRuns timeAv = timeTot / nRuns if nRuns==1: # No error bars return SATFrac, timeAv timeVar = (time2Tot - timeTot*timeTot/nRuns)/(nRuns-1) timeSigmaMean = scipy.sqrt(timeVar/nRuns) # SAT2Tot = SATTot SATFracVar = (SATFrac - SATFrac*SATFrac/nRuns)/(nRuns-1) SATFracSigmaMean = scipy.sqrt(SATFracVar/nRuns) return SATFrac, SATFracSigmaMean, timeAv, timeSigmaMean, times def PlotSATFrac(nVars, nRuns, k=3, ClausesOverVars=scipy.arange(0.5, 8.0, 0.5), Solver=FasterDPSATSolver): """ PlotSATFrac(nVars, nRuns, k=3, ClausesOverVars=arange(0.5, 8.0, 0.5), Solver=FasterDPSATSolver) collects data from SATFrac for a variety of nClauses, and makes three plots versus the ratio clauses/variables: one with the mean and standard deviation of SATFrac, one of mean and sigma for times, and one of the distribution of times found at that ratio. Use pylab.errorbar to draw the first two plots, and assemble two long lists of ratios and times for the last plot. Use pylab.figure(n) to switch to plot #n. """ SAT = [] sig = [] tSAT = [] tsig = [] ratiosTogether = [] timesTogether = [] for ratio in ClausesOverVars: nClauses = int(ratio*nVars) SATFracValue, SATSig, time, timeSig, times = \ SATFrac(nVars, nClauses, nRuns, k, Solver=Solver) SAT.append(SATFracValue) sig.append(SATSig) tSAT.append(time) tsig.append(timeSig) ratiosTogether.extend([ratio]*nRuns) timesTogether.extend(times) pylab.figure(1) pylab.errorbar(ClausesOverVars, SAT, yerr=sig) pylab.figure(2) pylab.errorbar(ClausesOverVars, tSAT, yerr=tsig) pylab.figure(3) pylab.plot(ratiosTogether, timesTogether, 'r.') def TimeTails(SATInstance, nRuns=10, showPlot=True): """TimeTails(SATInstance, nRuns=10, showPlot=True) computes and returns the times for nRuns runs of a SAT instance shuffling the order of the variable list vars (and hence the order in which they are attempted by the DP algorithm) and resetting the instance in between. GRAPHICS is turned off. Optionally, a pylab.hist plot of the histogram can be generated and shown. """ global GRAPHICS GRAPHICS=False times = [] sat_old = None for run in range(nRuns): SATInstance.Reset() sat, time = SATInstance.Solve() if sat != sat_old and sat_old is not None: print("Error: inconsistent answers") sat_old = sat times.append(time) SATInstance.ShuffleVariableOrder() if showPlot: pylab.hist(times) return times def NTimeTails(nInst, nRuns, nVars=10, nClauses=40, k=3, plot=True, Solver=FasterDPSATSolver): """NTimeTails(nInst, nRuns, nVars, nClauses, plot=True, Solver=FasterDPSATSolver) computes the runtimes for nRuns runs each of nInst SAT instances (k-SAT with nVars variables and nClauses clauses), returning a list of the runtime (number of flips) of each run. Optionally, a pylab plot of the histogram can be generated and shown. """ pass def LogLogHist(seq, nBins=10): """LogLogHist(seq, nBins=10) makes a log-log histogram (with nBins bins) of a sequence of numbers contained in seq. Bin widths are sized exponentially (i.e., uniformly in logs) and bin counts are normalized by bin width.""" pass def TimeSlowFast(nInst, nRuns, nVars, nClauses): """TimeSlowFast(nInst, nRuns, nVars, nClauses) compares the runtimes of the Slow and Faster DPSATSolvers. """ pass def TestSAT(nVars, nClauses, k, with_graphics = True, Solver=FasterDPSATSolver): """ TestSAT(nVars, nClauses, k, with_graphics=True, Solver=FasterDPSATSolver) generates a single instance of k-SAT with nVars variables and nClauses clauses, and solves it using the specified solver class. If with_graphics is True, then a graphics window showing progress of the algorithm is shown. The status of the solution (i.e., True=SAT or False=UNSAT), along with the number of variable flips, is returned. """ global GRAPHICS GRAPHICS = with_graphics clauses = MakeRandom_kSATClauses(nVars, nClauses, k) sol = Solver(clauses) SAT, time = sol.Solve() if SAT != sol.Verify(): print("Error in SATFrac: solution doesn't check") else: if SAT: print("There is a solution.") else: print("There is not a solution.") def yesno(): response = input(' Continue? (y/n) ') if len(response)==0: # [CR] returns true return True elif response[0] == 'n' or response[0] == 'N': return False else: # Default return True def demo(): """Demonstrates solution for exercise: example of usage""" print("3SAT solver") while 1: print(" Test kSAT solver: k=3, N=30, M=120") TestSAT(30, 120, 3, with_graphics=True) if not yesno(): return if __name__=="__main__": demo() # Copyright (C) Cornell University # All rights reserved. # Apache License, Version 2.0