import numpy, os, random import Image, ImageDraw import tempfile # some graphics for networks # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # image display def Display(image_file='tmpf.jpg'): """Display(image_file) attempts to display the specified image_file on the screen, using the Preview application on Mac OS X, the ImageMagick display utility on other posix platforms (e.g., Linux) and the Microsoft mspaint utility on Windows platforms.""" os_name = if os_name == 'nt': # Windows try: os.system('mspaint %s &' % image_file) except: raise OSError("Cannot display %s with Windows mspaint" % \ image_file) else: os_uname = os.uname() if os_uname[0] == 'Darwin': # Mac OS X, assume no X server running try: os.system('open /Applications/ %s &' % image_file) except: raise OSError("Cannot display %s with Preview application" % \ image_file) elif os_name == 'posix': # Linux, Unix, etc. try: os.system('display %s &' % image_file) except: raise OSError("Cannot display %s with ImageMagick display. ImageMagick display requires a running X server." % \ image_file) else: raise OSError("no known display function for OS %s" % os_name) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #: circular graph layouts def GenerateCircleGraphImage(graph, imfile, windowSize=800, dotsize=4, windowMargin = 0.02): """creates an image file in the specified imfile and returns the PIL image object, laying out the specified graph in a circle.""" im ='RGB', (windowSize,windowSize)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) color = (255,255,255) center = windowSize/2. radius = (1.-2*windowMargin)*windowSize/2. all_nodes = graph.GetNodes() all_nodes.sort() L = len(all_nodes) # Create a dictionary that maps nodes to their positions around the circle nodePosition = {} for index, node in enumerate(all_nodes): theta = 2.*numpy.pi*float(index)/L x = radius * numpy.cos(theta) + center y = radius * numpy.sin(theta) + center nodePosition[node] = (x, y) draw.ellipse( ((x-dotsize/2, y-dotsize/2), (x+dotsize/2, y+dotsize/2)), fill=color ) # Draw the lines between the nodes for node in all_nodes: neighbors = graph.GetNeighbors(node) for neighbor in neighbors: # We want to draw bonds only once, even though two bonds connect # node and neighbor. We can test "if neighbor > node" to # implement this. For any pair of objects, Python will # consistently define this operation (e.g., if x1x2 is False). For arbitrary node IDs, we may not # know what it means for ID1 to be greater than ID2, but it # does not matter for the purpose here. For Python classes, # one define the special __cmp__ (compare) method that # indicates how to compare (>,<,==) two instances of the # class. if neighbor > node: draw.line((nodePosition[node], nodePosition[neighbor]), fill=color) return im def GenerateCircleGraphImageWithWeights(graph, imfile, edge_weights=None, node_weights=None, edge_scale=None, node_scale=None, windowSize=800, dotscale=4., linescale=2., magnification=4, windowMargin = 0.02): """creates an image file in the specified imfile and returns the PIL image object, laying out the specified graph in a circle. Nodes are drawn with radii proportional to the specified node_weights divided by node_scale, and edges with thicknesses proportional to the specified edge_weights divided by edge_scale. If node_scale and edge_scale are not supplied, they are assumed to be equation to the number of nodes in the system. node_weights is a dictionary mapping node ids to weights. edge_weights is a dictionary mapping edge ids (tupled pairs of node ids) to weights.""" # Make big image, shrink with antialiasing m = magnification bigSize = (m*windowSize, m*windowSize) imBig ='RGB', bigSize, (255,255,255)) # White background draw = ImageDraw.Draw(imBig) edge_color = (0,0,0) node_color = (255,0,0) center = windowSize/2. radius = (1.-2*windowMargin)*windowSize/2. # Nodes for SWG are integers 0<=node node: xNbr, yNbr = nodePosition[neighbor] # Thickness of line proportional to edge_scale if (edge_weights): linewidth = linescale * \ numpy.sqrt(edge_weights[\ (node, neighbor)]/edge_scale) else: linewidth = linescale # Draw rectangles to get thick lines perpLength = numpy.sqrt((y-yNbr)**2+(x-xNbr)**2) perpx = ((y-yNbr)/perpLength)*linewidth/2 perpy = (-(x-xNbr)/perpLength)*linewidth/2 polyFromLine = ((m*(x+perpx), m*(y+perpy)), (m*(x-perpx), m*(y-perpy)), (m*(xNbr-perpx), m*(yNbr-perpy)), (m*(xNbr+perpx), m*(yNbr+perpy))) draw.polygon(polyFromLine, fill=edge_color ) for node in all_nodes: x, y = nodePosition[node] # Make size of dot proportional to square root of weight/L # (e.g., small world network betweenness ~ L) if (node_weights): dotsize = dotscale * numpy.sqrt(node_weights[node]/node_scale) else: dotsize = dotscale draw.ellipse( ((m*(x-dotsize/2), m*(y-dotsize/2)), (m*(x+dotsize/2), m*(y+dotsize/2))), fill=node_color ) im = imBig.resize((windowSize,windowSize), Image.ANTIALIAS) return im def DisplayCircleGraphSimple(graph, windowSize=800, dotsize=4, windowMargin = 0.02): import tempfile filename = tempfile.mktemp() # make unique temporary filename in /tmp filename += ".png" GenerateCircleGraphImage(graph, filename, windowSize, dotsize, windowMargin) Display(filename) def DisplayCircleGraph(graph, edge_weights=None, node_weights=None, edge_scale=None, node_scale=None, windowSize=800, dotscale=4., linescale=2., magnification=4, windowMargin=0.02): import tempfile filename = tempfile.mktemp() # make unique temporary filename in /tmp filename += ".png" GenerateCircleGraphImageWithWeights(graph, imfile=filename, edge_weights=edge_weights, node_weights=node_weights, edge_scale=edge_scale, node_scale=node_scale, windowSize=windowSize, dotscale=dotscale, linescale=linescale, magnification=magnification, windowMargin=windowMargin) Display(filename) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # 2D percolation graphics def DrawSquareNetworkBonds(graph, nodelists=None, dotsize=None, linewidth=None, imsize=800, windowMargin=0.02, imfile=None): """DrawSquareNetworkBonds(g) will draw an image file of the 2D square--lattice bond percolation network g, with bonds and sites shown, and then will display the result. DrawSquareNetworkBonds(g,nodelists) for a percolation graph g and a list of node clusters nodelists = [[node,node],[node],...] will draw the first cluster black, and the rest each in a random color. By default, the image file will be stored in a uniquely named png file in /tmp, although the image file name can be supplied optionally with the imfile argument. A node is a tuple (i,j): DrawSquareNetworkBonds will display it with i labeling the horizontal axis and j the vertical, with (0,0) in the upper right hand corner. [This is the transpose of the matrix convention, so (column, row); it's flipping the vertical axis, so it's like (x, -y) ]""" # Set up cluster of all nodes in network if no clusters given if nodelists is None: nodelists = [graph.GetNodes()] # Set up image file if imfile is None: imfile = tempfile.mktemp() # make unique filename in /tmp imfile += "_square_network_bonds.png" white = (255,255,255) # background color im ='RGB', (imsize,imsize), color=white) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) # Nodes = (ix, iy) running from (0,0) to (L-1,L-1) # Won't always work for site percolation: # Assumes entire row and column of nodes not missing L = max(max([node[0] for node in graph.GetNodes()]), \ max([node[1] for node in graph.GetNodes()])) + 1.0 # Default dot size and line width depends on L if dotsize is None: dotsize = max((1-2*windowMargin)*imsize/(4*L),1) if linewidth is None: linewidth = max((1-2*windowMargin)*imsize/(10*L),1) # Start colors with black color = (0,0,0) # Draw clusters for cluster in nodelists: # Define screen location (sx,sy) for node # node = (ix, iy) running from (0,0) to (L-1,L-1) # Displace on screen to 1/2 ... L-1/2, with margins on each side def ScreenPos(i): return (windowMargin + ((i+0.5)/L)*(1-2*windowMargin))*imsize # Find screen location (sx,sy) for node for node in cluster: ix, iy = node; # node = (ix,iy) running from (0,0) to (L-1,L-1) sx = ScreenPos(ix) sy = ScreenPos(iy) draw.ellipse( ((sx-dotsize/2,sy-dotsize/2), (sx+dotsize/2,sy+dotsize/2)), fill=color ) # Define function to draw thick line def DrawThickLine(sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2): perpLength = numpy.sqrt((sy2-sy1)**2+(sx2-sx1)**2) perpx = ((sy2-sy1)/perpLength)*linewidth/2 perpy = (-(sx2-sx1)/perpLength)*linewidth/2 polyFromLine = ((sx1+perpx, sy1+perpy), (sx1-perpx, sy1-perpy), (sx2-perpx, sy2-perpy), (sx2+perpx, sy2+perpy)) draw.polygon(polyFromLine, fill=color) # Find neighbors neighbors = graph.GetNeighbors(node) for neighbor in neighbors: # Draw each bond once: only if i>j if neighbor <= node: continue # Find screen location (sxNbr,syNbr)) for edge ixNbr, iyNbr = neighbor sxNbr = (windowMargin+((ixNbr+0.5)/L)*(1-2*windowMargin))*imsize syNbr = (windowMargin+((iyNbr+0.5)/L)*(1-2*windowMargin))*imsize # Periodic boundary conditions make this tricky: # bonds which cross boundary drawn half a bond length both ways # Only nearest neighbor bonds implemented if (ix == 0) & (ixNbr == L-1): sxMinusHalf = ScreenPos(ix-0.5) DrawThickLine(sx,sy, sxMinusHalf,syNbr) sxNbrPlusHalf = ScreenPos(ixNbr+0.5) DrawThickLine(sxNbrPlusHalf,sy, sxNbr,syNbr) elif (ix==L-1) & (ixNbr == 0): sxPlusHalf = ScreenPos(ix+0.5) DrawThickLine(sx,sy, sxPlusHalf,syNbr) sxNbrMinusHalf = ScreenPos(ixNbr-0.5) DrawThickLine(sxNbrMinusHalf,sy, sxNbr,syNbr) elif (iy==0) & (iyNbr == L-1): syMinusHalf = ScreenPos(iy-0.5) DrawThickLine(sx,sy, sxNbr,syMinusHalf) syNbrPlusHalf = ScreenPos(iyNbr+0.5) DrawThickLine(sx,syNbrPlusHalf, sxNbr,syNbr) elif (iy==L-1) & (iyNbr==0): syPlusHalf = ScreenPos(iy+0.5) DrawThickLine(sx,sy, sxNbr, syPlusHalf) syNbrMinusHalf = ScreenPos(iyNbr-0.5) DrawThickLine(sx,syNbrMinusHalf, sxNbr,syNbr) else: DrawThickLine(sx,sy, sxNbr,syNbr) # Pick random color for next cluster colorRange = (0, 200) color = (random.randint(*colorRange), random.randint(*colorRange), random.randint(*colorRange)) Display(imfile) return im def DrawSquareNetworkSites(graph, nodelists=None, scale=0, imsize=800, imfile=None): """DrawSquareNetworkSites(g) will draw an image file of the 2D square--lattice percolation network g, with sites shown, and then will display the result. DrawSquareNetworkSites(g, nodelists) for a percolation graph g and a list of node clusters nodelists = [[node,node],[node],...] will draw the first cluster black, and the rest each in a random color. By default, the image file will be stored in a uniquely named png file in /tmp, although the image file name can be supplied optionally with the imfile argument. A node is a tuple (i,j): DrawSquareNetworkSites will display it with i labeling the horizontal axis and j the vertical, with (0,0) in the upper right hand corner. [This is the transpose of the matrix convention, so (column, row); it's flipping the vertical axis, so it's like (x, -y) ]""" # Set up cluster of all nodes in network if no clusters given if nodelists is None: nodelists = [graph.GetNodes()] # Set up image file if imfile is None: imfile = tempfile.mktemp() # make unique filename in /tmp imfile += "_square_network_sites.png" L = max(max([node[0] for node in graph.GetNodes()]), \ max([node[1] for node in graph.GetNodes()])) + 1 if (scale==0): scale = max(1,int(imsize/L)) # Size of squares for each node # Background white (in case some nodes missing) white = (255,255,255) im ='RGB', (scale*L, scale*L), white) if (scale>1): draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) # Nodes = (ix, iy) running from (0,0) to (L-1,L-1) # Won't always work for site percolation: # Assumes entire row and column of nodes not missing color = (0,0,0) # starting color # Draw clusters for cluster in nodelists: if (scale==1): for node in cluster: im.putpixel(node, color) else: for node in cluster: x = node[0]*scale y = node[1]*scale draw.rectangle(((x,y),(x+scale,y+scale)), fill=color) # Pick random color for next cluster colorRange = (0, 200) color = (random.randint(*colorRange), random.randint(*colorRange), random.randint(*colorRange)) Display(imfile) return im def DrawTriangularNetworkSites(graph, nodelists=None, L=0, scale=0, magnification=4, imsize=800, imfile=None): """DrawTriangularNetworkSites(g) will draw an image file of the 2D triangle--lattice percolation network g, with sites shown, and then will display the result. DrawTriangularNetworkSites(g, nodelists) for a percolation graph g and a list of node clusters nodelists = [[node,node],[node],...] will draw the first cluster black, and the rest each in a random color. By default, the image file will be stored in a uniquely named png file in /tmp, although the image file name can be supplied optionally with the imfile argument.""" # Set up cluster of all nodes in network if no clusters given if nodelists is None: nodelists = [graph.GetNodes()] # Set up image file if imfile is None: imfile = tempfile.mktemp() # make unique filename in /tmp imfile += "_square_network_sites.png" # If L=0, try to guess L from size of array if L==0: L = max(max([node[0] for node in graph.GetNodes()]), \ max([node[1] for node in graph.GetNodes()])) + 1 # if scale is zero, set it to a size so the system is roughly imsize if (scale==0): scale = max(1,int(imsize/L)) # Size of triangles for each node # Background white (missing nodes) white = (255,255,255) # Basic idea: draw system magnification*big, and shrink at end bigHeightx = int(round(magnification*scale*L)) bigHeighty = int(round(magnification*scale*L*numpy.sqrt(3.)/2.)) imBig ='RGB', (bigHeightx, bigHeighty), white) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(imBig) # Nodes = (ix, iy) running from (0,0) to (L-1,L-1) # Won't always work for site percolation: # Assumes entire row and column of nodes not missing color = (0,0,0) # starting color # Basis for center of hexagon xhat = magnification*scale*numpy.array([1.,0.]) yhat = magnification*scale*numpy.array([1./2.,numpy.sqrt(3.)/2.]) # Shape of polygon up = magnification*scale*\ numpy.array([0.,1./numpy.sqrt(3.)]) upright = magnification*scale*\ numpy.array([1./2.,1./(2.*numpy.sqrt(3.))]) upleft = magnification*scale*\ numpy.array([-1./2.,1./(2.*numpy.sqrt(3.))]) hexagon = numpy.array([upright,up,upleft,-upright,-up,-upleft]) # Periodic boundary condition pbc = magnification*scale*L*numpy.array([1., numpy.sqrt(3.)/2.]) # Rounding error check eps = magnification*scale*1.e-6 # Draw clusters for cluster in nodelists: for node in cluster: xc = (node[0]*xhat+node[1]*yhat) % pbc vertices = hexagon + xc draw.polygon(tuple(map(tuple, vertices)), fill=color) # Check if polygon crosses boundary # Modulo doesn't work for negatives if (not numpy.allclose( vertices%pbc, vertices )) or \ (vertices.min() < 0.): # Plot polygons plus pbc vectors xcPBC = xc + numpy.array([pbc[0],0.]) vertices = hexagon + xcPBC draw.polygon(tuple(map(tuple, vertices)), fill=color) xcPBC = xc + numpy.array([pbc[0]/2.,pbc[1]]) vertices = hexagon + xcPBC draw.polygon(tuple(map(tuple, vertices)), fill=color) xcPBC = xc + numpy.array([-pbc[0]/2.,pbc[1]]) vertices = hexagon + xcPBC draw.polygon(tuple(map(tuple, vertices)), fill=color) # Pick random color for next cluster colorRange = (50, 225) color = (random.randint(*colorRange), random.randint(*colorRange), random.randint(*colorRange)) heightx = int(round(scale*L)) heighty = int(round(scale*L*numpy.sqrt(3.)/2.)) im = imBig.resize((heightx,heighty), Image.ANTIALIAS) Display(imfile) return im # Copyright (C) Cornell University # All rights reserved. # Apache License, Version 2.0