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Programming and AI Consulting

Meet Grant Deliverables Fast

By working with our professional programmers, you can accelerate your research project and meet grant deliverables faster and more efficiently. We will analyze your specific problem and use whatever software technologies and tools are optimal for the task at hand.

Our programming consultants program on Linux, Windows, and various UNIX environments in C/C++, Fortran, Perl, Scala, Python, Java, C#, and other languages and tools such a Visual Basic and Excel. We also have expertise in parallel and distributed computing using MPI, OpenMP, Akka, etc. and keep abreast of emerging technologies. Designing user-friendly interfaces and building database backends are other skills we offer researchers and educators at Cornell.

For example, our consulting staff, in collaboration with a Statistical Sciences professor, programmed an NSF-funded data analysis tool in C# that estimates diversity in microbial populations.

tweet politics

In another project, we used Scala to develop a real-time, fault tolerant web application that analyzes and visualizes tweets (geographical and time series data) to gauge the emotional pulse of elections, terrorist attacks, and other events.

AI Consulting

Cornell is a recognized leader in AI. Cornell researchers depend on CAC systems and consulting to enable AI and ML application innovations. See our AI/ML Services poster and AI/ML Services presentation to learn more.

Contact Us

Contact us if you are interested in programming or AI consulting.


For rates, visit how to start a project.

Related Services

Visit services available to learn more about related services, e.g., code improvement consulting, web hosting, database consulting, high-performance computing services, etc.