Theory Center Visualization
A figure from a video by Theory Center
researcher Steve Lantz, showing the interaction of
plasma convection with a magnetic field. Such
convection, which is governed by the laws of
magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), is responsible for
transporting heat in the outer layers of the Sun and
other stars. In this 2D visualization of roll-like
convection, the borders of the colored regions are
streamlines of the flow, while the dark lines are
magnetic field lines. A horizontal magnetic field is
imposed at the bottom boundary and is allowed to
diffuse upward into the convecting region, where it
undergoes stretching and mixing due to a tilt/shear
instability of the convection rolls. Above the
convection zone, some magnetic field emerges from
the top boundary into a vacuum region (shaded in
blue in the figure), where it might be seen by an
external observer. A generalization of this type of
stretching and mixing to three dimensions may be
important to the "solar dynamo" process, which is the
cause of the well known 11-year sunspot
Another frame from the video by Theory Center
staff member Steve Lantz. In this case, with different
fluid parameters, the tilt/shear instability is absent, so
the balanced, counterrotating rolls pull the magnetic
fields up to the surface in a steady, symmetric fashion.
(Green shading indicates a counterclockwise sense of
rotation, while red is clockwise). An external observer
would see a symmetric and dense concentration of
vertical magnetic flux located near the downflowing
region as shown. By contrast, above the tilted flow in
the previous figure, the loop of magnetic field---
though still centered over the downdraft---has a
skewed spatial distribution and is chaotically time-
dependent. The latter type of correlation between
vertical flow and vertical flux is closer to what is
actually observed at the surface of the Sun. Lantz's
video was recently accepted for publication in The
Astrophysical Journal.
Copyright 1994 by Cornell University. All Rights
Layout and execution by Michael Herzog
(herzog@tc.cornell.edu). Last updated May 1994