Horizon Web Console: Security Groups


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Under the Project and Network tabs, use the Security Groups screen to manage the security groups in your project.

List Security Groups

The Security Groups screen lists all the security groups in your project.

List Security Groups

Create a Security Group

  1. Click on the Create Security Group button to create a new security group Create Security Group

  2. Name the new security group and click on the Create Security Goup button. Create Security Group

By default, a new security group allows outbound network connections only. All inbound connections are blocked. All allowed access must be explictly granted by a security group rule. You should add new security group rules to the new security group.

Delete a Security Group

On the Security Groups screen, select the security group(s) you want to delete and click on the Delete Security Groups button.


A security group can only be deleted if no server is assigned to it.

Delete a Security Group

Manage Your Security Group

  1. On the Security Groups screen under the Project and Network tabs, click on the Manage Rules button next to the security group you want to change its rules. Select a Security Group

  2. On the Manage Security Group Rules screen, you can now add new rules or delete an existing rule using the Add Rule and Delete Rule buttons. Manage a Security Group

Add a Security Group Rule

  1. To add a new rule, click on the Add Rule button on the Manage Security Group Rules screen.

  2. In the Add Rule screen, use the pull down menu under Rule to create a new rule to allow many common services such as ssh, https, etc. You can also choose to create custom TCP, UDP, ICMP or protocol rules. See the descriptions on the right for information on the appropriate values to use. Create an Security Group Rule

  3. Click on the Add button to create the new rule. You will now see the new rule listed on the Manage Security Rules screen.

Delete a Security Group Rule

To delete a security group rule, click on the Delete Rule button next to the rule to be deleted. To delete multiple security group rules, click the rules to be deleted and click on the Delete Rules button in the upper right corner.

Delete an Security Group Rule