HPC Training Opportunity
Class Title: Parallel Computing on Ranger
When: February 7- 8, 2008
Where: New York University (Bobst Library)
On Thursday and Friday, February 7-8, 2008, technical staff members from the Cornell
Center for Advanced Computing, New York University, and the Texas Advanced Computing
Center will present a high-performance computing training class, “Parallel Computing
on Ranger.” The Cornell CAC was recently funded by National Science Foundation to
develop and deliver training and application support for the Ranger system.
About Ranger
Ranger is a Sun Constellation Cluster with a theoretical peak performance of
504 Teraflops. It is the newest computational resource available to the NSF
research community and scheduled to be in production on February 1, 2008. A
system description is available at
Topics/Who Should Attend
Instructors will present various topics covering the architecture and proper
use of Ranger and supporting infrastructure. This class will be of particular interest
to computational scientists interested in developing codes for and porting codes to Ranger.
For More Information
For information on course content, agenda, accommodations, and how to register,
please visit http://www.tacc.utexas.edu/services/training/hpc_1008.php.
If you have questions, email help@teragrid.org or contact:
Chris Hempel
Associate Director
Texas Advanced Computing Center