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News Release

Clinical and Translational Science Center offers cloud computing workshops

Contact: Paul Redfern
Cell: (607) 227-1865

FOR RELEASE: May 22, 2012

The Clinical and Translational Science Center (CTSC) is pleased to offer the following educational opportunities:

  • Red Cloud with MATLAB Workshop – 1:00-4:00 pm, May 30, 2012
  • Red Cloud Seminar – 2:00-4:00 pm, June 4, 2012

These Red Cloud education sessions have been made possible through a partnership with the Cornell University Center for Advanced Computing (CAC), and will be taught by CAC staff. The CTSC is a multi-institutional consortium led by Weill-Cornell Medical College, partnered with Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Hospital for Special Surgery, and Hunter College of the City University of New York. Red Cloud is an on-demand research computing service available to Cornell University researchers and researchers from other academic institutions.

There is no charge for the workshops, but seating is limited. Priority will be given to researchers, students and staff involved in research on the CTSC; however, all faculty and staff of the CTSC’s partner institutions are encouraged to apply. Enrollment will be on a first come/first served basis. The sessions will be held at Weill Auditorium, C Building, 2nd Floor, 1300 York Avenue, New York, NY.

At the May 30th Red Cloud with MATLAB Workshop, participants will learn how to use their MATLAB client running on a local desktop or laptop to launch jobs that run on the Red Cloud with MATLAB cluster at Cornell CAC in Ithaca. Topics will include:

  • overview of the cloud computing resource, including special nodes with enhanced memory and GPUs
  • installing client software
  • running MATLAB test codes on the remote resource.

Workshop prerequisites are a basic working knowledge of MATLAB and familiarity with MathWork’s Parallel Computing Toolbox (PCT) is helpful. Participants will work on their own laptops, which must have MATLAB R2010b, R2011a, or R2011b and PCT installed.

At the June 4th Red Cloud Seminar, CAC staff will describe and demonstrate Red Cloud, an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) that runs Eucalyptus, the open source, Amazon-compatible cloud computing platform. The instruction will start with how cloud computing enables flexible and cost-effective cloud computing tailored for research, and will include how to:

  • sign up for a subscription and login for the first time
  • work with cloud instances throughout their life cycle
  • create customized images
  • work with persistent storage.

Red Cloud Seminar attendees are expected to be comfortable working with UNIX commands and the Linux operating system.

To register for either event, please visit

Questions about these educational events may be directed to David Lifka, Director of Research Computing, Weill Cornell Medical College.