News Announcement
NSF call for proposals for Blue Waters allocations
Contact: Paul Redfern
Cell: (607) 227-1865
FOR RELEASE: February 19, 2014
ITHACA, N.Y. – Cornell University researchers can apply now for Blue Waters resources through the National Science Foundation's Petascale Computing Resource Allocation (PRAC) program. Proposals are due by March 10, 2014.
Blue Waters is one of the most powerful supercomputers in the world. Scientists and engineers across the country use the computing and data power of Blue Waters to tackle a wide range of challenging problems, from predicting the behavior of complex biological systems to simulating the evolution of the cosmos.
Blue Waters, built from the latest technologies from Cray, Inc., uses hundreds of thousands of computational cores to achieve peak performance of more than 13 quadrillion calculations per second. Blue Waters also has:
- more than 1.5 petabytes of memory
- more than 25 petabytes of disk storage
- up to 500 petabytes of tape storage.
Blue Waters is supported by the National Science Foundation and the University of Illinois. Staff is available to answer questions from researchers planning to submit a proposal.