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High-Performance Computing

Private Cluster Maintenance

Computational Resources

Research groups who have procured their own HPC or GPU cluster may house it in Cornell's primary machine room on the 7th floor of Rhodes Hall. CAC's professional systems staff will provide systems management and maintenance for your cluster so that you can focus on your research rather than the technology enabling it, i.e., software updates, server and network maintenance, power, cooling, etc.

Many Cornell departments leverage this service including Anthropology, Applied Physics, Astronomy, BEE, BioHPC, CCSS, CBE, C&CB, CEE, CS, Economics, Human Ecology, Johnson, MAE, MSE, Nutrition, Physics, Plant Science, Praxis, PRO-DAIRY, and Weill Cornell Medicine.

Our system consultants are available to help faculty architect the optimal cluster, servers, storage, and/or systems software for their application and, if procuring a cluster, to secure favorable pricing at no fee. Cluster installation is a fee-based consulting service. Programming consulting and code improvement consulting are also available as optional services.

Web Hosting

CAC web hosting services are available for research applications. We will develop and maintain your site and integrate the research features you want, such as high-performance compute engines, databases, custom tools, and/or large-scale storage systems. Do it yourself cloud services are also available for researchers who wish to build their own web sites.

Related Services

Visit services available to learn more about related services, e.g., storage services, programming consulting, code improvement consulting, database consulting, cloud computing services, etc.

Contact Us

Contact us if you have questions about private cluster maintenance services or if you are interested in leasing a web server.


For rates, Cornell Faculty and Staff can visit the CAC Project Portal.