File Transfer

A single, central file server,, provides access to much of CAC's file storage for individual users. It serves the bulk of the home directories on linuxlogin as well as many private clusters. Here we look at various clients that can be used to transfer (i.e., copy) files to and from this server, mainly via linuxlogin.

Linux and macOS

Secure Copy (linux)

Secure copy is a standard tool to copy files to and from remote hosts.

localhost$ scp localfile.dat
localhost$ scp localresults.dat

Secure FTP (linux)

FTP is disabled for security reasons, but sftp's interface is nearly identical.

Samba Client

This technique only works from Cornell campus locations or via a Cornell VPN connection. Type

smbclient //<user name> -U ctc_ith\\<user name>

(Note, the shell interprets \ as a single backslash.) Enter the password for your CAC account when prompted. You will see the smb:> prompt. Now you can start transferring files between your local machine and your CAC home directory, using commands similar to the sftp client. Type help for more instructions.

-bash-4.1$ smbclient //<user name> -U ctc_ith\\<user name>
Enter ctc_ith\<user name>'s password: 
Domain=[CTC_ITH] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.6.23-24.el6_7]
smb: \> help


Secure Copy (windows)

The individual who created PuTTY provides a secure copy client called pscp. From the command prompt, type:

cmd> pscp localfile.dat
    <enter your username's password when prompted>
cmd> pscp localresults.dat

Secure FTP (windows)

FTP is disabled for security reasons, but psftp's interface is nearly identical. From the command prompt, type:

cmd> psftp
    <enter your username's password when prompted>
psftp> put localresults.dat results.dat
psftp> quit